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Chip numbers starting with 3volt

nr name cat description manufacturer
02803 ADDC02803SC 28V/66W DC/DC Converter Vin=16-50V, Vo=3.3V@21A with EMI Filter, data AD
1004 LT1004 volt volt ref 1.23V LT
1034 LT1034 volt volt ref 1.23V + 7V LT
1073 ADP1073 converter Micropower DC-DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, data AD
1096 LTC1096 adc,spi ADC, 8-bit 3V with differential input and auto power down LT
1098 LTC1098 adc,spi ADC, 8-bit 3V 2-channel single-supply with auto power down LT
1108 ADP1108 converter Micropower DC-DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, data AD
1109 ADP1109 converter Micropower Low Cost Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V and Adjustable DC-DC Converter, data AD
1110 ADP1110 vreg Micropower Step Up/Down Switching Regulator; Adjustable and Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, data AD
1111 ADP1111 vreg Micropower Step Up/Down Switching Regulator; Adjustable and Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, data AD
12030 ADC12L030 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12030 NS
12032 ADC12L032 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12032 NS
12034 ADC12L034 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12034 NS
12038 ADC12L038 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12038 NS
1233 DS1233A reset 3.3V EconoReset, Data, PS (150 Kb) Dallas*
1283 LTC1283 adc,spi ADC, 10-bit 3V 8-channel with selectable single/differential inputs LT
1285 LTC1285 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit 3V single-supply with differential input LT
1288 LTC1288 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit 3V 2-channel single-supply with auto power down LT
145192 MC145192 synth,spi 1.1 GHz PLL* frequency synthesizer optimized for 3V operation Motorola
145202 MC145202 synth,spi 2 GHz PLL* frequency synthesizer optimized for 3V operation Motorola
14743 1n4743 diode zener diode 1w 13v Motorola
152 MAX152 adc 3V, 8-Bit ADC with 1µA Power-Down Maxim*
152 MAX152CPP 8 Bit, 3V A-D Converter, pinout Maxim
1543 TLV1543 adc,spi ADC, 10-bit 3V 11-channel with self-test support TI
1549 TLV1549 adc,spi ADC, 10-bit 3V single-channel TI
1622 DS1622 temp 3V digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (304 Kb) Dallas*
1684 DS1684 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, Dallas*
1685 DS1685 rtc 3 Volt/5Volt Real Time Clock, Data, PS (767 Kb) Dallas*
1686 DS1686 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (767 Kb) Dallas*
1687 DS1687 rtc 3 Volt/5Volt Real Time Clock, Data, PS (767 Kb) Dallas*
1688 DS1688 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized RTC with NVRAM* Control, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1689 DS1689 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized Real Time Clock with NVRAM* Control, PS (723 Kb) Dallas*
168 LVT16V8-6 pl 3 Volt BICMOS versatile GAL-type PLD DIL20 Philips
1691 DS1691 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized RTC with NVRAM* Control, Dallas*
1693 DS1693 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized Real Time Clock with NVRAM* Control, PS (723 Kb) Dallas*
17284 DS17284 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, Dallas*
17285 DS17285 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
17286 DS17286 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
17287 DS17287 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
1730 DS1730YLPM sram 3 Volt Partitionable 256K NV* SRAM*, PS (305 Kb) Dallas*
1730 DS1730Y sram 3 Volt Partitionable 256K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1745 DS1745YLPM sram 3 Volt Partitionable 1024K NV* SRAM*, PS (338 Kb) Dallas*
1745 DS1745Y sram 3 Volt Partitionable 1024K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1746 1n746a diode zener diode 500mw 3.3v Motorola
17484 DS17484 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, Dallas*
17485 DS17485 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
17486 DS17486 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
17487 DS17487 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
1750 DS1750YLPM sram 3 Volt Partitionable 4096K NV* SRAM*, PS (306 Kb) Dallas*
1750 DS1750Y sram 3 Volt Partitionable 4096K NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1757 DS1757Y sram 3V Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, Dallas*
1758 DS1758Y sram 3V Partitionable 128K x 16 NV* SRAM*, PS (304 Kb) Dallas*
17885 DS17885 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
17887 DS17887 rtc 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock, PS (760 Kb) Dallas*
1816 DS1816 mpuchk 3.3V EconoReset, PS (104 Kb) Dallas*
1818 DS1818 mpuchk 3.3V EconoReset with Pushbutton, PS (113 Kb) Dallas*
1832 DS1832 3.3V MicroMonitor Chip, PS (178 Kb) Dallas*
1836 DS1836A mpuchk 3.3V/5V MicroManager, PS (189 Kb) Dallas*
1836 DS1836B mpuchk 3.3V/5V MicroManager, PS (189 Kb) Dallas*
1836 DS1836C mpuchk 3.3V/5V MicroManager, PS (189 Kb) Dallas*
1836 DS1836D mpuchk 3.3V/5V MicroManager, PS (189 Kb) Dallas*
1869 DS1869 temp 3V Dallastat Electronic digital Rheostat, PS (151 Kb) Dallas*
2016 DS2016 sram 2K x 8 3V Operation SRAM*, PS (296 Kb) Dallas*
2016 sram 2k*8 3V Operation SRAM*, Dallas*
2064 DS2064 sram 8K*8 3V Operation SRAM*, PS (298 Kb) Dallas*
2103 ADSP-2103 dsp 16-bit, 10.2 MIPS, 3.3v, 2 serial ports, data AD
2104 ADSP-2104L dsp 16-bit, 13 MIPS, 3.3v, 2 serial ports, data AD
21060 ADSP-21060L dsp SHARC*, CMOS*, 120 MFLOPS*, 3.3 v, floating point, data AD
21061 ADSP-21061L dsp Low-cost SHARC*, 150 MFLOPS*, 3.3v, floating point, data AD
21062 ADSP-21062L dsp SHARC*, 40 MIPS, 3.3 v, 120 MFLOPS*, floating point, data AD
21065 ADSP-21065L dsp Low-cost SHARC*, 180 MFLOPS*, 3.3v, data AD
21160 ADSP-21160M dsp SHARC*, 100 MHz, 600 MFLOPS*, 3.3v I/O, 2.5v core, data AD
212 MAX212 driver +3V RS232* transceiver Maxim
212 MAX212 xcvr True 3V, 3 Drivers/S Receivers RS-232 Serial Port Maxim*
2173 ADSP-2173 dsp 16-bit, 20 MIPS, 3.3v, 2 serial ports, host port, data AD
2183 ADSP-2183 dsp 16-bit, 52 MIPS, 3.3 v, 2 serial ports, host port, 80 KB RAM, data AD
2185 ADSP-2185L dsp 16-bit, 52 MIPS, 3.3v, 2 serial ports, host port, 80 KB RAM, data AD
2186 ADSP-2186L dsp 16-bit, 40 MIPS, 3.3 v, 2 serial ports, host port, 40 KB RAM, data AD
2187 ADSP-2187L dsp 16-bit, 52 MIPS, 3.3v, 2 serial ports, host port, 160 KB RAM, data AD
22103 AD22103 temp 3.3 V Supply, Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning, data AD
2210 LVT22V10-7 pl 3 Volt BICMOS versatile PAL* DIL24 Philips
2210 LVT22V10-B pl 3 Volt BICMOS versatile PAL* DIL24 Philips
2210 LVT22V10-D pl 3 Volt BICMOS versatile PAL* DIL24 Philips
2257 sram 32k*8 3V Operation SRAM*, Dallas*
2330 ML2330 dac,spi DAC, 8-bit 2-channel 3V to 5V with selectable output shutdown ML
263 ADSST-H.263 dsp H.263 Video Compression/Decompression algorithm chipset, data AD
28512 X28LC512 eeprom,flash 64k*8 3.3V, byte alterable EEPROM, Data Xicor*
28513 X28LC513 eeprom,flash 64k*8 3.3V, byte alterable EEPROM, Data Xicor*
2 HFC-S2M isdn ISDN controller (including primary rate interface (E1 / T1), HDLC controllers for all B-channels and D-channel, ISA-PnP bus interface, PCMCIA bus interface, PCI bus interface, PCM30/64/128 interface, switching capability, DTMF detection) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
3106 DS3106 sram 128K x 8 3V/5V Operation SRAM*, PS (333 Kb) Dallas*
31816 HB31816B dram 1M*16 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
318835 P3C18V8Z35 pl 3 V zero standby power universal PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
3188 P3C18V8ZI pl 3 V zero standby power universal PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
3221 MAX3221 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3222 MAX3222 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3223 MAX3223 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3232 MAX3232CPE 3V/5V RS232* TRANSCEIVER, pinout MAXIM
3232 MAX3232 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3237 MAX3237 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3238 MAX3238 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3241 MAX3241 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
3243 MAX3243 driver RS232* driver, 3V power, up to 1Mbps Maxim*
33704 CAT33C704 eeprom,spi 3V 4Kbit EEPROM with security Catalyst
3485 ADM3485E ESD Protected, EMC Compliant, 3.3V, 20 Mbps, EIA RS-485 Transceiver, data AD
3491 ADM3491 xceiver 3.3V, Full Duplex, 840µA, 20Mbps, EIA RS-485 Transceiver, data AD
36400 HB36400B dram 4M*4 DRAM (3.3 V, 4k-Refresh, FPM) Siemens
37400 HB37400B dram 4M*4 DRAM (3.3 V, 2k-Refresh, FPM) Siemens
39601 C39601 chipset System controller for i80960 Hx, TQFP-176, 3.3V, 1998 CompuLab
39602 C39602 chipset System controller for i80960 Jx, TQFP-176, 3.3V, 1998 CompuLab
4161004 KM416V1004AT dram 1X16-60 TSOP, 3.3 V, L.P. EDO Samsung
44171 XRD4417(1) video 3.3V CMOS* Linear CCD* Signal Processor with 10-Bit ADC and Serial Interface Exar
4417 XRD4417 video 3.3V CMOS* Linear CCD* Signal Processor with 10-Bit ADC and Serial Interface Exar
46164 VDS4616A4A dram,sdram 1M*16 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
4753 HEF4753V timer Universal timer module DIL18, CERDIP1B Philips
4 HFC-4S isdn ISDN controller (including 4 x S/T interface, HDLC controllers for all B-channels and D-channels, ISA-PnP bus interface, PCMCIA bus interface, PCI bus interface, PCM30/64/128 interface, switching capability, DTMF detection) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
5116100 MSM51V16100 dram 16M*1 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5116160 MSM51V16160A dram 1M*16 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5116165 MSM51V16165A dram 1M*16 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5116400 MSM51V16400A dram 4M*4 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5116405 MSM51V16405A dram 4M*4 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5116805 MSM51V16805A dram 2M*8 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 4k refresh) Oki
5117100 MSM51V17100 dram 16M*1 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 2k refresh) Oki
5117400 MSM51V17400A dram 4M*4 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 2k refresh) Oki
5117405 MSM51V17405A dram 4M*4 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 2k refresh) Oki
5117805 MSM51V17805A dram 2M*8 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 2k refresh) Oki
5118160 MSM51V18160A dram 1M*16 DRAM FPM (3.3V, 1k refresh) Oki
5118165 MSM51V18165A dram 1M*16 DRAM EDO (3.3V, 1k refresh) Oki
511 ADG511 LC2MOS Precision 5V/3V Quad* SPST* Switches, data AD
512 ADG512 LC2MOS Precision 5V/3V Quad* SPST* Switches, data AD
513 ADG513 LC2MOS Precision 5V/3V Quad* SPST* Switches, data AD
513 MAX513 dac,spi DAC, 8-bit 3V 3-channel with two buffered voltage outputs Maxim
514400 MSM51V4400/L/SL dram 1M*4 DRAM FPM (3.3V) Oki
5408 XRD54L08 dac Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
5410 XRD54L10 dac Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
5412 XRD54L12 dac Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
5416255 MSM54V16255A/SL dram 256K*16 DRAM FPM (3.3V) Oki
5416258 MSM54V16258A/SL dram 256K*16 DRAM EDO (3.3V) Oki
54321268 MSM54V32126/8 dram 128K*32 DRAM EDO (3.3V) Oki
56002 dsp DSP object code compatible with 56000, different pin layout, also 3.3V version Motorola
560 ADM560 driver Ultralow Power, +3.3V, RS-232 Notebook PC Serial Port Drivers/Receivers, data AD
560 MAX560 driver +3V RS232* transceiver Maxim
561 ADM561 driver Ultralow Power, +3.3V, RS-232 Notebook PC Serial Port Drivers/Receivers, data AD
561 MAX561 driver +3V RS232* transceiver Maxim
5894 XRT5894 isdn Four-Channel E1 Line Interface (3.3V or 5.0V) Exar
589 AD589 volt volt ref 1.23V AD
592 NE592-8 video Pincomp. 733 video/HF DIP8 order from Barend
607 AD607 Low Power Mixer/AGC*/RSSI 3V receiver IF Subsystem, data AD
608 AD608 Low Power Mixer/Limiter/RSSI 3V receiver IF Subsystem, data AD
608 ADG608 mux 3 V/5 V, 4-/8-Channel High Performance Analog Multiplexers, data AD
609 ADG609 mux 3 V/5 V, 4-/8-Channel High Performance Analog Multiplexers, data AD
6306 sram 32k*9 CMOS* Async* 3.3 V SRAM* Motorola*
6406 XRD64L06 adc 3V 6 MSPS 10-Bit High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
640 MAX640 power 3.3V/Adiustable, High-Efficiencv, Low la, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
6414 XRD64L14 video 3.3V CMOS* 10-Bit Exar
6415 XRD64L15 adc 3.3V CMOS* 10-Bit 20 MSPS High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Exar
64160 HB64160 dram 4M*16 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
6432 AD6432 GSM 3 V Transceiver IF Subsystem, data AD
64400 HB64400 dram 16M*1 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
6440 XRD64L40 adc 3V 10-Bit 20MSPS CMOS* ADC Exar
6458 AD6458 GSM 3V Receiver IF Subsystem for operation at input frequencies as high as 400 MHz and IFs from 5 MHz up to 50 MHz, data AD
6459 AD6459 GSM 3V Receiver IF Subsystem for operation at input frequencies as high as 500 MHz and IFs from 5 MHz up to 50 MHz, data AD
64800 HB64800 dram 8M*8 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
651 MAX651 power 3.3V/Adjustable,High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC controller Maxim*
652 MAX652 power 3V/Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC controller Maxim*
653 MAX653 power 3V/AdjustBble, High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
66084 VDS6608A4A dram,sdram 8M*8 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
66164 VDS6616A4A dram,sdram 4M*16 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
66324 VDS6632A4A dram,sdram 2M*32 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
663 ADM663A vreg Tri-Mode: +3.3 V, +5 V, Adjustable Micropower Linear Voltage Regulators, data AD
666 ADM666A vreg Tri-Mode: +3.3 V, +5 V, Adjustable Micropower Linear Voltage Regulators, data AD
6705 MCM6705 sram 32k*9 BiCMOS Async* 3.3 V SRAM* Motorola*
6706 MCM6706R sram 32k*8 BiCMOS Async* 3.3 V SRAM* 6-8ns Motorola
682 MAX682 power 3V/Adjustabie, Low-Dropout, Ultra-Low Iq Linear Regulator Maxim*
684 MAX684 power 3.3V, Low-Dropout, Ultra-Low iq Linear Regulator Maxim*
685 MAX685 power 3V, Low-Dropout, Ultra-Low lo Linear Regulator Maxim*
690 MAX690R mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 2.61V Reset Threshold Maxim*
690 MAX690S mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 2.91V Reset Threshold Maxim*
690 MAX690T mpuchk 3V uP Supervisor with Battery-Backup switchover and 3.06V Reset Threshold Maxim*
69536 MC69536 sram 32k*36 BurstRAM Synchronous 3.3V SRAM* Motorola*
69618 MC69618 sram 64k*18 BurstRAM Synchronous 3.3V SRAM* Motorola*
7015 AD7015 Monolithic 3 V/5 V CMOS* combined voiceband codec/baseband codec for use in GSM mobile telephones, data AD
704 MAX704R mpuchk 3V, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with Battery Backup and 2.61V Reset Threshold Maxim*
704 MAX704S mpuchk 3V, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with Battery Backup and 2.91V Reset Threshold Maxim*
704 MAX704T mpuchk 3V, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with Battery Backup and 3.06V Reset Threshold Maxim*
706 ADM706 system +3 V, Voltage Monitoring uP Supervisory Circuits, data AD
706 MAX706P mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 2.63V Reset Threshold Maxim*
706 MAX706R mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 2.63V Reset Threshold Maxim*
706 MAX706S mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 2.93V Reset Threshold Maxim*
706 MAX706T mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 3.08V Reset Threshold Maxim*
708 MAX708R mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 2.63 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
708 MAX708S mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 2.93 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
708 MAX708T mpuchk 3V, Voltage-Monitoring, Low-Cost, uP Supervisory Circuit with 3.08 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
709 MAX709R mpuchk Power-Supply Monitor with 2.63 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
709 MAX709S mpuchk Power-Supply Monitor with 2.93 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
7131 LM7131 amp Highest speed (90 MHz, -3dB bandwidth), single supply, 3V opamp, More NS*
71331 CY7C1331 sram 64k*18 Synchronous Cache 3.3V RAM, Data Cypress*
71332 CY7C1332 sram 64k*18 Synchronous Cache 3.3V RAM, Data Cypress*
71399 CY7C1399 RAM 32K x 8 3.3V Static RAM, pinout Cypress
71399 CY7C1399 sram 32k*8 3.3V SRAM*, Data Cypress*
71399 CY7C1399V RAM 32K x 8 3.3V Static RAM, pinout Cypress
717 MAX717 power 3.3V Palmtop Computer and Flash Memory Power-Supply Regulator Maxim*
718 MAX718 power 3.3V/5V Palmtop Computer and Flash Memory Power-Supply Regulator Maxim*
719 MAX719 power 3V/5V Palmtop Computer and Flash Memory Power-Supply Regulator Maxim*
720 MAX720 power 3.3V/5V Palmtop Computer and Flash Memory Power-Supply Regulator Maxim*
7244 AD7244 dac 12-bit/14-bit DAC, 3 V buried Zener reference, DAC, data AD
728 MAX728 power 2A, 3.3V, Step-Down, PWM switch-Mode DC-DC Converter Maxim*
729 MAX729 power 2A, 3V, Step-Down, PWM switch-Mode DC-DC Converter Maxim*
7304 AD7304 dac +3V/+5V, Rail-to-Rail Quad*, 8-Bit DAC, data AD
7305 AD7305 dac +3V/+5V, Rail-to-Rail Quad*, 8-Bit DAC, data AD
73381 CY7C3381A fpga 3.3V Very High Speed 1K (3K) Gate CMOS* FPGA, Data Cypress*
73382 CY7C3382A fpga 3.3V Very High Speed 1K (3K) Gate CMOS* FPGA, Data Cypress*
7390 AD7390 dac +3 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit & 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7391 AD7391 dac +3 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit & 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7392 AD7392 dac +3 V, Parallel Input Micropower 10- and 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7393 AD7393 dac +3 V, Parallel Input Micropower 10- and 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7394 AD7394 dac +3V Dual*, Serial-Input 12-/10-Bit DAC, data AD
7395 AD7395 dac +3V Dual*, Serial-Input 12-/10-Bit DAC, data AD
74177 MK74CB177 clock clock driver (16 outputs) with Early clock support. Each side can run at 3.3V or 5V. With PCI clock power down. In tiny SSOP28. For use with OPTi Viper N and Firestar chipsets MicroClock*
74178 MK74CB178 clock Buffalo Clock driver (16 outputs) with Early clock support. Each side can run at 3.3V or 5V. In tiny SSOP28 MicroClock*
74216 MK74CB216 clock Buffalo dual one-to-eight clock driver (16 outputs). Each side can run at 3.3V or 5V. In tiny SSOP28 MicroClock*
743240 74FCT3240C buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with inverted outputs. Max. tpd of 4.3ns., Data EPIC*
743240 74FCT3240D buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with inverted outputs. Max. tpd of 3.6ns., Data EPIC*
743240 QS74FCT3240 buffer High Speed CMOS* 3.3V 8 Bit Buffers / Line Drivers QS
743244 74FCT3244C buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with non-inverted outputs. Max. tpd of 4.1ns., Data EPIC*
743244 74FCT3244D buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with non-inverted outputs. Max. tpd of 3.6ns., Data EPIC*
743244 QS74FCT3244 buffer High Speed CMOS* 3.3V 8 Bit Buffers / Line Drivers QS
743245 74FCT3245C xcvr 3.3V 8-bit transceivers. Max. tpd of 4.1ns., Data EPIC*
743245 74FCT3245D xcvr 3.3V 8-bit transceivers. Max. tpd of 3.8ns., Data EPIC*
743245 QS74FCT3245 xcvr High Speed CMOS* 3.3V 8 Bit Transceivers QS
743373 74FCT3373C latch 3.3V 8-bit latches. Max. tpd of 4.2ns., Data EPIC*
743373 74FCT3373D latch 3.3V 8-bit latches. Max. tpd of 3.8ns., Data EPIC*
743373 QS74FCT3373 latch High Speed CMOS* 3.3V bus Interface 8 Bit Latches QS
743374 74FCT3374C register 3.3V 8-bit registers. Max. clock-to- out of 5.2ns., Data EPIC*
743374 74FCT3374D register 3.3V 8-bit registers. Max. clock-to- out of 4.2ns., Data EPIC*
743540 74FCT3540C buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with inverted outputs & flow-thru pin out. Max. tpd of 4.3ns., Data EPIC*
743540 74FCT3540D buffer 3.3V 8-bit buffers with inverted outputs & flow-thru pin out. Max. tpd of 3.6ns., Data EPIC*
743540 QS74FCT3540 buffer High Speed CMOS* 3.3V 8-Bit Buffers / Line Drivers QS
743541 QS74FCT3541 buffer High Speed CMOS* 3.3V 8-Bit Buffers / Line Drivers QS
743543 74FCT3543C xcvr 3.3V 8-bit transceivers with latched outputs. Max. tpd of 5.3ns., Data EPIC*
743543 74FCT3543D xcvr 3.3V 8-bit transceivers with latched outputs. Max. tpd of 4.4ns., Data EPIC*
743573 74FCT3573C latch 3.3V 8-bit latches with flow-thru pin out. Max. tpd of 4.2ns., Data EPIC*
743573 74FCT3573D latch 3.3V 8-bit latches with flow-thru pin out. Max. tpd of 3.8ns., Data EPIC*
743573 QS74FCT3573 latch High Speed CMOS* 3.3V bus Interface 8 Bit Latches QS
743574 74FCT3574C register 3.3V 8-bit registers with flow-thru pin out. Max. clock-to-out of 5.2ns., Data EPIC*
743574 74FCT3574D register 3.3V 8-bit registers with flow-thru pin out. Max. clock-to-out of 4.2ns., Data EPIC*
748 MAX748A power 3.3V, Step-Down PWM DC-DC Converter Maxim*
7564 AD7564 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit 3.3V/5V 4-channel multiplying with separate references AD
756 MAX756 power 3.3V/5V, High-Efficiency, Low Iq, Step-Up DC-DC Converter Maxim*
76084 VDS7608A4A dram,sdram 16M*8 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
76164 VDS7616A4A dram,sdram 8M*16 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
763 MAX763A power 3.3V, Step-Down, PWM DC-DC Converter Maxim*
7705 AD7705 adc 3V/5V, 450µA, 2/3-Channel, 16-Bit Sigma Delta ADC, data AD
7706 AD7706 adc 3V/5V, 450µA, 2/3-Channel, 16-Bit Sigma Delta ADC, data AD
7714 AD7714-3 adc,spi ADC, 24-bit 3V signal conditioning with five differential inputs AD
7714 AD7714 adc 3 V/5 V, CMOS*, 500 µA Signal Conditioning ADC, data AD
7715 AD7715-3 adc,spi ADC, 16-bit 3V sigma-delta with single differential input AD
7715 AD7715 adc 3 V/5 V, 450 µA, 16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC, data AD
774 ADG774 mux CMOS* 3V/5V, Wide Bandwidth Quad* 2:1 Mux*, data AD
778 MAX778 power 1V-lnput, 3V/3.3V-0utput, Step-Up DC-DC Converter Maxim*
7804 AD7804 dac 3.3 V to 5 V Quad*/Octal* 10-Bit DAC's, data AD
7804 AD7804 dac,spi DAC, 10-bit 3.3V/5V 4-channel with adjustable output bias AD
7805 AD7805 dac 3.3 V to 5 V Quad*/Octal* 10-Bit DAC's, data AD
7808 AD7808 dac 3.3 V to 5 V Quad*/Octal* 10-Bit DAC's, data AD
7809 AD7809 dac 3.3 V to 5 V Quad*/Octal* 10-Bit DAC's, data AD
7822 AD7822 adc 3V/5V, 8-Bit, 2 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter, data AD
7825 AD7825 adc 3V/5V, 8-Bit, 4-Channel, 2 MSPS Data Acquistion System, data AD
7829 AD7829 3V/5V, 8-Bit, 8-Channel, 2 MSPS Data Acquistion System, data AD
782 MAX782 power 3.3V/5V Notebook Computer Power Supply with Dual* PCMCIA Vpp* Outputs Maxim*
783 MAX783 power 3.3V/5V Notebook Computer Power Supply with Dual* PCMCIA Vpp* Outputs (6-Cell lnput) Maxim*
7853 AD7853 adc 3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS 12-Bit Sampling ADC, data AD
7853 AD7853 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit 3V/5V single-channel auto-calibrating 200 ksps AD
7853 AD7853L adc,spi ADC, 12-bit 3V/5V single-channel auto-calibrating 100 ksps AD
7854 AD7854 adc 3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS 12-Bit Sampling ADC, data AD
7858 AD7858 adc 3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS 8-Channel, 12-Bit Sampling ADC, data AD
7858 AD7858 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit 3V/5V 8-channel auto-calibrating with power management AD
7859 AD7859 adc 3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS 8-Channel, 12-Bit Sampling ADC's, data AD
786 MAX786 power 3.3V/5V Notebook Computer Power Supply with 25µA Shutdown Maxim*
7870 AD7870 adc LC2MOS Complete, 12-bit, 100kHz, Sampling ADC with ±3V input signal ranges., data AD
788 MAX788 power 5A, 3.3V Step-Down, PWM switch-Mode DC-DC Converter Maxim*
789 MAX789 power 5A, 3V Step-Down, PWM switch-Mode DC-DC Converter Maxim*
7943 AD7943 dac +3.3 V/+5 V Multiplying 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7943 AD7943 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit 3.3V/5V single-channel multiplying AD
7945 AD7945 dac +3.3 V/+5 V Multiplying 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
7948 AD7948 dac +3.3 V/+5 V Multiplying 12-Bit DAC's, data AD
804 MAX804R mpuchk 3V uP Supervisory Circuit with Reset High with 2.61V Reset Threshold Maxim*
804 MAX804S mpuchk 3V uP Supervisory Circuit with Reset High with 2.91V Reset Threshold Maxim*
804 MAX804T mpuchk 3V uP Supervisory Circuit with Reset High with 3.06V Reset Threshold Maxim*
8069 ICL8069A volt volt ref 1.23V Intersil
8102403 8102403VA SMD 6504B DIP PKG Harris $18/1K
8300 AD8300 dac +3 Volt, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC, data AD
8300 AD8300 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit 3V single-channel single-supply with on-chip reference AD
8303 AD8303 dac +3 V, Dual*, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC, data AD
856 MAX856 power 3.3V/5V High-Efficiency, Low IQ, DC-DC Step-Up Converter Maxim*
86088 VDS8608A8A dram,sdram 32M*8 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
86164 VDS8616A4A dram,sdram 16M*16 3.3V SDRAM*, A-DATA
8751 87C51FXL mcu MCU (=8051+) 256*8 RAM, 32K*8 ROM, 3v3 80C51FC, DIP40 Intel
878 MAX878 power 3V/3.3V-0utput, 1.8V to 6V Input, Step-Up/Step-Down DC-DC Converter Maxim*
8870 MT88L70 dtmf 3 Volt Integrated DTMF Receiver Mitel
8885 MT88L85 dtmf 3V Integrated DTMF Transceiver with Power Down & Adaptive Micro Interface Mitel
8889 MT88L89 dtmf 3V Integrated DTMF Transceiver with Adaptive Micro Interface Mitel
8 HFC-8S isdn ISDN controller (including 8 x S/T interface, HDLC controllers for all B-channels and D-channels, ISA-PnP bus interface, PCMCIA bus interface, PCI bus interface, PCM30/64/128 interface, switching capability, DTMF detection) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
9160 MT91L60 telecom 3 Volt Multi-Featured Codec* (MFC) Mitel
941 MAX941 cmp 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
942 MAX942 cmp dual, 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
944 MAX944 cmp quad, 3V and 5V, 75ns, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator Maxim*
HFC-S+ isdn ISDN controller (including S/T interface, HDLC controllers for B-channels and D-channel, microprocessor interface, PCM30 interface) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
HFC-S mini isdn,telecom ISDN controller (including S/T interface, 4 HDLC controllers for B-channels and D-channel, microprocessor interface PCM128, PCM64, PCM30 interface) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
HFC-S PCI isdn ISDN controller (including S/T interface, HDLC controllers for B-channels and D-channel, PCI bus interface, PCM30 interface) (HFC-S PCI is usable as "PCI to 8 bit generic" bridge, too) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
HFC-SP isdn ISDN controller (including S/T interface, HDLC controllers for B-channels and D-channel, microprocessor interface, ISA-PnP bus interface, PCMCIA bus interface, PCM30 interface) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*
HFC-S USB isdn,telecom ISDN controller (including S/T interface, 4 HDLC controllers for B-channels and D-channel, USB interface, PCM128, PCM64, PCM30 interface) (the USB protocol is implemented in hardware) (3.3V and 5V) Cologne*

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