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Chip numbers starting with 31

nr name cat description manufacturer
310 LM310n amp opamp voltage follower NS
310 LXT310 isdn T1 CSU/ISDN PRI Transceiver Level1
310 MAX310 anamux RF/Video 8 Channel Mux*/Demultiplexer Maxim*
3100 MAX3100 uart,spi SPI/Microwire-Compatible UART in QSOP-16 Maxim*
3100 MLC3100 consumer Single chip CDROM-MP3 decoder MCS Logic
3101 3101 sram 16*4 Write transparent Schottky Bipolar RAM OC* 60ns (A=35ns) (=74S289) AMD, Intel
3101 MN3101 delay Bucket-Brigade Delay Lines (RS Data Sheet) , data (shtml needed)
31015 AY3-1015 uart 30 Kbps, +5V only UART GI
3104 3104 sram 4*4 RAM OC* 40ns Intel
3104 31dq04 diode schottky barr diode 40v Motorola
3105 TCM3105 modem Slow speed FSK modem TI*
3105 TCM3105N modem Modem IC* zie alt. FX614
3105 TCM3105N TX / RX, pinout RS CONPONENCE LTD
3106 3106 sram 256*1 RAM 3S 80ns Intel
3106 DS3106 sram 128K x 8 3V/5V Operation SRAM*, PS (333 Kb) Dallas*
3107 3107 sram 256*1 RAM OC* 80ns Intel
311 311 Comparator, pinout National
311 LM311 comparator Comparator order from Barend
311 LM311 compare Comparator , data (shtml needed) NS
311 LM311 cmp comparator 200ns
311 LM311 volt Voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
311 LM311B volt Voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
311 LM311L cmp comparator 200ns TO5 TI
311 MAX311 anamux RF/Video Differential 4 Channel Mux*/Demultiplexer Maxim*
3110 MAX3110E DUAL serial-interfaced UART/RS232* driver, pinout MAXIM
3110 MAX3110E uart,spi SPI/Microwire-Compatible UART and ±15kV ESD-Protected RS-232 Transceivers with InternalCapacitors Maxim*
3111 MAX3111E uart,spi SPI/Microwire-Compatible UART and ±15kV ESD-Protected RS-232 Transceivers with InternalCapacitors Maxim*
312 DAC312 dac 12-Bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter, data AD
312 LXT312 telecom Low-Power T1 PCM* Repeaters/Transceivers Level1
3120 mcu 8-bit Network MCU Echelon*, Motorola, Toshiba
3125 QS3125 switch High Speed CMOS* QuickSwitch. Buffers, 74'125 Compatible QS
3125 QS3125 switch quad N switch QS
313 LM313 volt volt ref 1.22V NS
313 LXT313 telecom Low-Power E1 PCM* Repeaters/Transceivers Level1
3130 CA3130 opamp DIP8 Mosfet OpAmp* order from Barend
3130 CA3130T amp BiMOS opamp RCA
31350 AY3-1350 uart UART GI
3140 CA3140 opamp DIP8 Mosfet OpAmp* order from Barend
3140 CA3140M opamp Mosfet OpAmp*, SMD order from Barend
3140 MAX3140 uart,spi SPI/MICROWIRE-Compatible UART wit hIntegrated True Fail-Safe RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers Maxim*
3146 CA3146 transis NPN array: 1 diff pair + 3 isolated RCA
3146 LM3146 High Voltage transistor array, pinout National Semiconductor
3146 LM3146 transis High Voltage transistor array in DIL14 National Semiconductor
315 sram 4k*1 High speed NMOS* SRAM* (=2147)
315 LXT315 telecom Low-Power T1 PCM* Repeaters/Transceivers Level1
3150 mcu 8-bit Network MCU Echelon*, Motorola, Toshiba
3152 ADP3152 vreg Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller, data AD
3153 ADP3153 vreg Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller, data AD
315531 HD3-15531B-9 encdec 40 PDIP -40+85C 5.0V 2.5 MHz Manchester Encoder-Decoder Harris $62/1K
316 3B16 conditioner Complete Signal Conditioning I/O Subsystem, data AD
316 LXT316 telecom Low-Power E1 PCM* Repeaters/Transceivers Level1
3160 CA3160 opamp DIP8 Mosfet OpAmp* order from Barend
3164 WTL3164 fpu FPU, See also 32580 Weitek
317 3B17 conditioner Complete Signal Conditioning I/O Subsystem, data AD
317 LM317 vreg Variable voltage reg order from Barend
317 LM317H volt 3 terminal adj regulator 500mA
317 LM317K volt 3 terminal adj regulator 1.5A
317 LM317LZ volt 3 terminal adj regulator 100mA TO92 NS
317 LM317M volt 3 terminal adj regulator 500mA
317 LM317T volt 3 terminal adj regulator 1.5A pinout
317 LXT317 telecom DECT Twisted-Pair LIU Transceiver Level1
317 MAX317 switch Precision, SPST*, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3170 MT3170B dtmf Wide Dynamic Range DTMF Receiver Mitel
31750 31750 cpu See 1750 Marconi
3179 CA3179 divider 1.25 GHz x64/x256 prescaler RCA
318 3B18 conditioner Complete Signal Conditioning I/O Subsystem, data AD
318 LM318n amp opamp hi slew rate NS
318 LXT318 isdn E1 NTU/ISDN PRI Transceiver Level1
318 MAX318 switch Precision, SfTI (?), CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
31816 HB31816B dram 1M*16 DRAM (3.3 V, FPM) Siemens
3182 HI-3182 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3183 HI-3183 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3184 HI-3184 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3185 HI-3185 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3186 HI-3186 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3187 HI-3187 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3188 HI-3188 avionics ARINC 429 Differential Line Drivers Holt IC
3188 P3C18V8ZI pl 3 V zero standby power universal PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
318835 P3C18V8Z35 pl 3 V zero standby power universal PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
3189 CA3189 Newer version of CA3089E, not quite pincompatible order from Barend
319 LM319 cmp Highspeed dual comparator in DIL14 National Semiconductor
319 LM319 cmp Highspeed dual comparator in PQFP20 National Semiconductor
319 LM319 cmp dual voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
319 LM319_DIP14 Highspeed dual comparator, pinout National Semiconductor
319 LM319_PQFP20 Highspeed dual comparator, pinout National Semiconductor
319 MAX319 switch Precision, SPDT, CMOS* analog switch Maxim*

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