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Chip numbers starting with 162

nr name cat description manufacturer
162 MAX162 adc CMOS* High Speed 3us 12 Bit ADC with Voltage Reference Maxim*
162 OP162 amp 15 MHz Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers, data AD
1620 sram 16k*4 SRAM* Inmos, NS
1620 DS1620 temp digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (249 Kb) Software Dallas*
1620 DS1620k temp digital thermometer and thermostat?, PS (998 Kb) Software Dallas*
1620 HT1620 consumer RAM Mapping 32x4 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1621 sram 16k*4 SRAM* NS
1621 DS1621 temp Digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (306 Kb) Dallas*
1621 HT1621 consumer RAM Mapping 32x4 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1621 HT1621B consumer RAM Mapping 32x4 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1621 HT1621D consumer RAM Mapping 32x4 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1621 M1621 chipset Aladdin-Pro II Northbridge: AGP, PCI and Memory controller ALi*
1621 mk1621c ICS*
1622 CYM1622 module 64k*16 SRAM* Module, Data Cypress*
1622 DS1622 temp 3V digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (304 Kb) Dallas*
1622 HT1622 consumer RAM Mapping 32x8 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
16220 HT16220 consumer RAM Mapping 32x8 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1623 DS1623 temp Digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (267 Kb) Dallas*
1623 HT1623 consumer RAM Mapping 48x8 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1624 sram 16k*4 SRAM* Inmos, NS
1624 DS1624 temp Digital thermometer and Memory, PS (362 Kb) Dallas*
1624 PCA1624 32 kHz watch circuit with EEPROM Philips
162450 ST16C2450 uart Dual* UART with Higher Operating Speed and Lower Access Time Exar
1625 sram 16k*4 SRAM* NS
1625 DS1625 temp Digital thermometer and thermostat, PS (295 Kb) Dallas*
1625 HT1625 consumer RAM Mapping 64x8 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1625 PCA1625 32 kHz watch circuit with EEPROM Philips
162552 ST16C2552 uart Dual* UART with 16-Byte Transmit and Receive FIFOs Exar
1626 HT1626 consumer RAM Mapping 48x16 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1626 PCA1626 32 kHz watch circuit with EEPROM Philips
16265 mdls16265-i-lv lcd lcd module 16*2 (supertwist) Seiko
1627 HT1627 consumer RAM Mapping 64x16 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1627 PCA1627 32 kHz watch circuit with EEPROM Philips
16270 HT16270 consumer RAM Mapping 64x16 LCD Controller for I/O uC, pinout Holtek
1628 PCA1628 32 kHz watch circuit Philips
16284 1n6284c power trans-zorb 1.ke36ca ST
162850 16C2850 uart Dual* UART with TX and RX FIFO* Counters Exar
162852 16C2852 uart Dual* UART with TX and RX FIFO* Counters Exar
1629 PCA1629 32 kHz watch circuit with EEPROM Philips

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