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IC*'s are made from large thin slices (the actual chips) of silicon which are etched and cut in small pieces and then packaged in all kinds of housings with generally a lot of tiny feet sticking out on all sides.
The earliest and still very commen form is the DIP (Dual* in Line Package) which is also for humans very easy to handle. Later packaging forms have all kinds of advantages like being cheaper per pin, wasting less PCB area, being more easily handled by pick and place machines etc.
This page is about all these kinds of packages.
TermExplanationMore FlipChip Technologies IMAPS: International Microelectronics And Packaging Society

Addison Engineering
Addison Engineering, Inc.
tel: +1-408-956-5117
We are a distributor of ceramic packages, combo lids, etc.
Should you have any excess inventories or are in need of any materials please contact me.

Package abbreviations

Click on the first letter of the chip packages you're looking for:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

There is more packaging information at the bottom of this page



BBUL Bumpless Build-Up Layer 200110: New packaging design by Intel allowing clock speeds of upto 20 GHz.
BGA Ball Grid Array (No pins, just solder balls on their underside.) data
BQFP Bumpered Quad* Flat Package
BQFPH Bumpered Quad* Flat Package with Heat spreader


CBGA Ceramic Ball Grid Array
CCC Ceramic (leadless) Chip Carrier
CDIP Ceramic Dual* In-line Package data
CERQUAD CERamic QUAD in-line package
CLCC Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier
CMPAK Compact Mini PAcKage Hitachi diode
CMPAK Compact Mini PAcKage Hitachi transistor
CPGA Ceramic Pin Grid Array data
CSP Chip Size (or Scale?) Package
CerDIP CERamic Dual* In-line Package
CerPack CERamic flatPACK


DFP Dual* Flat Package
DIL Dual* In-Line (8,14,16,18,20,22,24,28,32,40,48)
DIMM Dual* In-line Memory Module data
DIP Dual* In-line Package data
DPAK Deca-Watt Package Hitachi transistor
DSO Dual* Small Outline package data


EBGA Enhanced Ball Grid Array
ERP Extremely small Resin Package Hitachi diode


FC Flip Chip
FC-PGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array Intel term
FPAK Flat PAcKage Hitachi diode
FPBGA Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array
FPQFP Fine Pitch Quad* Flat Package
FPT Fine Pitch Technology
FQFP Fine Pitch Quad* Flat Package data



HDPAK Huge Deca-watt PAcKage Hitachi transistor
HQFI Heat sinked QFI
HQFP Heat sinked QFP
HQSOP Hermetic QSOP (20,24)
HSOI Heat sinked SOI
HSOJ Heat sinked SOJ
HSOP Heat sinked SOP



JEDEC See also below
JEDEC MO-161 Module data



LCBGA Low Cost Ball Grid Array
LCC Leadless Chip Carrier or Leadless Ceramic Carrier data
LCCC Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier
LDPAK Large Deca-watt PAcKage Hitachi diode
LFBGA Unknown data
LGA Land Grid Array
LLD LeadLess Diode Hitachi diode
LQFP Low profile QFP data
LRP Large Resin Package Hitachi diode
L-SIM Single In-line Memory (Module) data
L-DIM Dual* In-line Memory (Module) data


MCM Multi Chip Module
MELF Metal ELectrode Face
Micro-PGA Micro Pin Grid Array Intel term
Micro-X Unknown data
MMW Milli Meter Wave
MOP Mini Oct-Lead Package Hitachi transistor
MPAK Mini PAcKage Hitachi transistor
MQFP Metric Quad* Flat Package data
MQFP2 Metric Quad* Flat Package with heat sink
MQFPH Metric Quad* Flat Package with Heat spreader
MQUAD Metric QUAD flat package data



OLGA Organic Land Grid Array (Intel term) which uses Controlled Collapse Chip Connection (C4)


PBGA Plastic Ball Grid Array
PDIL Plastic Dual* In-Line package
PDIP Plastic Dual* In-Line Package data
PDIP-6-3 Plastic Dual* In-Line Package data
PGA Pin Grid Array plastic ceramic
PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (20,28,32,44,52,68,84)
PLCCH Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier with Heat spreader
PLGA Plastic Land Grid Array Intel term
PPGA Plastic Pin Grid Array data
PQ2 Power Quad* flat package type 2
PQFP Plastic Quad* Flat Package
PSO Plastic Small Outline package


QFI Quad* Flat I-leaded package
QFJ Quad* Flat J-leaded package
QFN Quad* Flat Non-leaded package
QFP Quad* Flat Package (44S10,44S14,48S10,64REC,80REC,100REC,120,128,160) data
QIL Quad* In-Line package
QIP Quad* In-line Package
QSOP Quarter Size Outline Package (16,20,24,28) or Quality Small Outline Package
QTCP Quad* Tape Carrier Package
QUAD QUAD in-line package
QUIL QUad In-Line package
QUIP QUad In-line Package



S-DIP Shrink DIP
SD* Side-brazed ceramic Dual* in-line package
SDIP Shrink Dual* In-line Package data
SECC Single Edge Cartridge Connector Intel term
SGA Solder Grid Array
SHRDIL SHRink Dual* In-Line (20,24,32,42,52,64)
SIL Single In-Line (9,13,17)
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module data
SIP Single In-line Package
SIP Single In-line Package data
SMC Surface Mount Ceramic Capacitor
SME Surface Mount Electrolytic Capacitor
SMR Surface Mount Resistor
SMT Surface Mount Transistor
SMTA Surface Mount Tantalum Capacitor
SMPAK Super Mini Package Hitachi transistor
SO Small Outline (8,14,16,20,24,28,32,28)
SOD Small Outline Diode data
SO-DIMM Small Outline Dual* In-line Memory Module (?) data
SOG Small Outline IC* with Gull-wing leads
SOI Small Outline I-leaded package
SOIC Small Outline Integrated Circuit (same as SO)
SOJ Small Outline J-leaded package data
SONB Small Outline Narrow-Body IC* with gull-wing leads
SONQFN Small Outline Non-Leaded Package
SOP Small Outline Package
SOP Small Outline Package
SOT* Small Outline Transistor data
SP-10 Single in line Package 10 pin Hitachi transistor
SP-12 Single in line Package 12 pin Hitachi diode
SPAK Small PAcKage Hitachi transistor
SQFP Shrink Quad* Flat Pack (32,48,64,80,208,240)
SQFP2 Shrink Quad* Flat Package with heat sink
SQFPH Shrink Quad* Flat Package with Heat spreader
SRP Small Resin Package Hitachi diode
SSO Single Small Outline package data
SSOP Small Shrink Outline Package (20,24,28,48,56) data
SSP Super Small resin Package Hitachi diode


TAB Tape Automated Bonding
TBGA Tape Ball Grid Array package
TCCN Unknown data
TCP Tape Carrier Package
TD Top-brazed ceramic Dual* in-line package
TFBGA Unknown data
TO Transistor single Outline package or Through-Hole Transistor data
TO92 Unknown data
TO218 Unknown data
TO220 Unknown data
TO247 Unknown data
TO251 Unknown data
TO252 Unknown data
TO262 Unknown data
TO263 Unknown data
TO92 Unknown data
TQFP Thin Quad* Flat Package data
TQFP2 Thin Quad* Flat Package with heat sink
TQFPT Thin Quad* Flat Package with 1.0 mm body Thickness
TSOP Thin Small Outline Package data
TSOPII Thin Small Outline Package type II data
TSQFP Thin Shrink Quad* Flat Pack (44,64,100)
TSSOP Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (20,24,28,48,56) data


UMD Ultra Mini Diode Hitachi transistor
UPAK Uni-Watt Package Hitachi diode
URP Ultra small Resin Package Hitachi transistor


VQFN Unknown data
VQFP Very small Quad* Flat Package
VSO Very Small Outline (40,56)
VSOP Very Small Outline Package
VTQFP Very Thin Quad* Flat Package
VTSOP Very Thin Small Outline Package





ZIF Zero Insertion Force
ZIP Zigzag In-line Package


µBGA Micro Ball Grid Array

Some more ceramic packages

I don't know the correct abbreviations yet.

More ceramic packages:

(These are all distributed by Spectrum Semiconductor Materials,

More information about packaging

For a lot of information get the Hitachi CDROM!

Other types of packaging:
Four-directional type
Four-directional type Shrink package
Gull wing lead package
I-lead package
J-lead package
Non-lead package Insertion type
Surface mount type DO-41 Mod.
Surface mount type IC* Package
Two-directional type
Two-directional type Standard package

ED standards

These seem to be from:
ED-7400 Standard package outline drawings of semiconductor devices (integrated circuits)
ED-7400-1 Standard package outline drawings of semiconductor devices (integrated circuits)
ED-7402-1 198902 Small outline package SOP
ED-7402-2 199002 Shrink small outline package SSOP
ED-7402-3 199104 Thin small outline package (Type I) TSOP (I)
ED-7402-4 199002 Thin small outline package (Type II) TSOP (II)
ED-7403-1 198804 Plastic dual in-line package
ED-7404 199001 Quad* Flat package QFP
ED-7404-1 198901 Quad* flat package (fine pitch)
ED-7405-1 199003 Shrink zigzag in-line package SZIP
ED-7406 198805 Small outline J-leaded package SOJ
ED-7407 198806 Quad* Flat J-leaded package QFJ
ED-7408 198810 Pin grid array package PGA
ED-7409 198806 Quad* Flat I-leaded package QFI
ED-7410 198806 Small outline I-leaded package SOI
ED-7411 198902 Package names and codes
ED-7412 198811 Quad* Flat leadless package QFN
ED-7413 198901 Single in-line package SIP
ED-7414 198911 Guard ring quad Flat package GQFP
ED-7415 198911 Heat sink equipped small outline package HSOP
ED-7417 199002 Bumpered quad Flat package BQFP
ED-7418 199007 Glass shield quad Flat package QFP-G
ED-7419 199009 Glass shield dual in-line package DIP-G
ED-7500 Standard package outline for semiconductor devices (Discrete devices)

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards

IEC Publication 148 Character Symbols for Discrete Devices and Integrated Circuits
IEC Publication 191 Package outline of Discrete Devices and Integrated Circuits
IEC Publication 747 Methods of Determining Ratings and Characteristics of Semiconductors
IEC Publication 286.3 Methods of Packaging Components in Automated Mounting

Other packaging info - Package Lineup

Conversion tables

Conversion tables for pin functions between DIP8..24 and PLCC20/28 packages, according to Motorola.

DIP8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DIP14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
DIP16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
DIP20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
PLCC20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

DIP24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
PLCC28 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28

Makers of packages

local Makers of sockets and packages Makes dummy components to practice with

Tube quantity

Standard IC* tube quantity by pin count and package type.
According to Mitel.

8 50 50
16 25 46 24
18 21 41 20
20 18 37 19 68
22 17 17
24 15 31 15 47 60
28 13 39 27 13 42 12 48
40 9 ? ?
44 27 29
68 19

See also

On the internet At Infineon Power modules at Infineon The same list as above but with links to images of the packages. A nice overview with technical drawings at Maxim's Package information at Temic Article about Intel CPU packages


title order at Amazon USA price indication
Introduction to Microelectronics Packaging ISBN: 0071371672 $60

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