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Chip numbers starting with 830

nr name cat description manufacturer
830 AD830 amp High Speed, Video Difference Amplifier, data AD
830 AD830 amp difference opamp 100 MHz AD
830 MPU830 periph ROM-I/O* SMC, NS
8300 AD8300 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit 3V single-channel single-supply with on-chip reference AD
8300 AD8300 dac +3 Volt, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC, data AD
8300 Z8300 mpu Low power Z80 MPU Zilog*
8302 TDA8302 tv CTV small signal combination circuit DIL32 Philips
8303 AD8303 dac +3 V, Dual*, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC, data AD
8303 DP8303 xcvr 8 bit transceiver AMD
8303 TDA8303A tv TV small signal combination Philips
8304 DP8304 buffer 8 bit bidir buffer Lloyd AMD $0.20
8304 TDA8304 tv CTV small signal combination circuit DIL32 Philips
8305 TDA8305A tv CTV small signal combination circuit DIL28 Philips
83055 P83C055 mcu 8-bit micro* for TV and video (MTV) DIL42SHR Philips
8307 AD8307 Low Cost DC-500 MHz, 92 dB Logarithmic Amplifier, data AD
8307 AD8307AN rf Log det. 500MHz 17dBm o/p 25mV/dB. Ideal for spectrum analyser, RF power meter, wobbler etc. Case DIP8 order from Barend
8307 DP8307 xcvr 8 bit transceiver
8308 DP8308 xcvr 8 bit transceiver
8309 AD8309 amp 350 MHz, 95 dB Demodulating Log Amp* with Limiter Output, data AD

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