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Chip numbers starting with 7419

nr name cat description manufacturer
7419 7419 logic hex inverter Schmitt*
7419 7419 ~ pinout
7419 74LS19 Hex* Schmitt* Trigger Inverters, pinout Texas Instruments
7419 CY7C419 fifo 256*9 Cascadable FIFO*, Data Cypress*
74190 74190 counter 4-bit BCD up/down counter
74190 74190 ~ pinout
74190 74HC190 counter Presetable synchronous BCD decade up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74190 74HCT190 counter Presetable synchronous BCD decade up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74190 74HCT190 counter presettable synchronous BCD decade up/down counter Philips
74191 74191 counter 4-bit binary up/down counter 20MHz
74191 74191 ~ pinout
74191 74ALS191 counter Up/down binary counter DIL16 Philips
74191 74HC191 counter Presetable synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74191 74HCT191 counter Presetable synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74191 74HCT191 counter presettable synchronous 4-bit binary up/down counter Philips
74191 N74F191 counter Presetable 4-bit binary up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74191 QS74FCT191 logic High Speed CMOS* Presettable Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counters QS
74192 74192 counter 4-bit BCD up/down counter with clear
74192 74192 ~ pinout
74192 74HC192 counter Presetable synchronous BCD decade upldown cnt. DIL16 Philips
74192 74HCT192 counter Presetable synchronous BCD decade up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74192 74HCT192 counter presettable synchronous BCD decade up/down counter Philips
74193 74193 counter 4-bit binary up/down counter with clear 25MHz
74193 74193 ~ pinout
74193 74ALS193 counter Synchronous presettable 4-bit binary counter DIL16 Philips
74193 74HC193 counter Presetable synchronous 4-bit binary up/down cnt. DIL16 Philips
74193 74HCT193 counter Presetable synchronous 4-bit binary upldown counter DIL16 Philips
74193 N74F193 counter Presetable 4-bit binary up/down counter DIL16 Philips
74193 QS74FCT193 logic High Speed CMOS* Presettable Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counters QS
74194 74194 shift 4-bit bidir PIPO* SR*
74194 74194 ~ pinout
74194 74HC194 shift 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register DIL16 Philips
74194 74HCT194 shift 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register DIL16 Philips
74194 74HCT194 shift 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register Philips
74194 N74F194 shift 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register DIL16 Philips
74195 74195 shift 4-bit PIPO* SR*
74195 74195 ~ pinout
74195 74HC195 shift 4-bit parallel access shift register DIL16 Philips
74195 74HCT195 shift 4-bit parallel access shift register DIL16 Philips
74195 74HCT195 shift 4-bit parallel access shift register Philips
74195 74LS195 shift 4-bit PIPO* SR* 30MHz
74195 N74F195 shift 4-bit parallel access shift register DIL16 Philips
74196 74196 counter 4-bit BCD counter with preset
74196 74196 ~ pinout
74197 74197 counter 4-bit binary counter with preset
74197 74197 ~ pinout
74198 74198 shift 8-bit bidir PIPO* SR*
74198 74198 ~ pinout
74198 N74F198 shift 8-bit bidirectional universal shift register DIL24SK Philips
74199 74199 shift 8-bit bidir PIPO* SR*
74199 N74F199 shift B-bit parallel access shift register DIL24SK Philips

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