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Chip numbers starting with 120

nr name cat description manufacturer
120 LM120 volt Negative Voltage Regulator NS
120 MAX120 12bit 500Ksps ADC, pinout MAXIM
120 MAX120 adc 500ksps, 12-Bit Sampling ADC with Track/Hold and Reference Maxim*
120 TBA120 radio FM* detektor also for AM*/SSB (mixer pins accessible) order from Barend
120 TBA120 tv 14pin, tv chip
120 TBA120PS radio same, QIL14 order from Barend
120 TBA120S radio same, for TV order from Barend
120 TBA120S radio 16 pins, Radio Audio processor
120 TBA120T radio FM* detector for ceramic discr. (TBA120S stocked too) order from Barend
120 TBA120U tv TV sound IF amplifier and demodulator DIL14 Philips
1200 DS1200 sram Serial RAM Chip, PS (48 Kb) Dallas*
1200 EDE1200 motor Stepper Motor controller, E-Lab
1200 EDE1200 motor Stepper Motor Control IC*'s E-Lab*
1201 DS1201 id Electronic Tag, PS (224 Kb) Dallas*
1201 LM1201N Monochrome CRT* Amp*, pinout National Semiconductor
1201 THC1201 adc 12-bit ADC 100ns TRW
12011 MC12011 divider 8/9 divider max. 600 MHz. order from Barend
12016 MC12016 divider 40/41 divider max. 250 MHz =135C05 order from Barend
12017 MC12017 divider divider order from Barend
12018 MC12018 divider divider 128/129 550MHz low power DIP8 order from Barend
1202 DS1202 rtc Serial Timekeeping Chip, PS (296 Kb), pinout Dallas*
1202 DS1202S rtc Serial Timekeeping Chip, Dallas*
1202 MAX1202 8 Channel 12bit ADC, pinout MAXIM
12022 MC12022D divider See also MB501LPF, 64/65/128/129 divider 1.2 GHz smd order from Barend
12026 MC12026D divider 8/9/16/17 divider 1.2 GHz SO8 (smd) order from Barend
1203 DS1203 ? MicroPower Receiver Chip, Dallas*
1203 LM1203 video RGB video amp 70MHz NS
1203 LM1203N RGB CRT* Amp*, pinout National Semiconductor
1203 LT1203 video 2:1 video mux LT
1203 MAX1203 8 Channel 12bit ADC, pinout MAXIM
1203 MN1203 sram 64x4 RAM Matsushita
12030 ADC12030 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit + sign 2-channel with programmable conversion time NS
12030 ADC12H030 adc,spi ADC, higher speed ADC12030 NS
12030 ADC12L030 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12030 NS
12032 ADC12032 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit + sign 2-channel with programmable conversion time NS
12032 ADC12H032 adc,spi ADC, higher speed ADC12032 NS
12032 ADC12L032 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12032 NS
12032 MC12032AD divider 64/65/128/129 divider 2 GHz SO8 order from Barend
12034 ADC12034 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit + sign 4-channel with programmable conversion time NS
12034 ADC12H034 adc,spi ADC, higher speed ADC12034 NS
12034 ADC12L034 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12034 NS
12038 ADC12038 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit + sign 8-channel with programmable conversion time NS
12038 ADC12H038 adc,spi ADC, higher speed ADC12038 NS
12038 ADC12L038 adc,spi ADC, 3V ADC12038 NS
1204 DAC1204 dac,spi DAC, 12-bit 4-channel with reference & selectable output polarity BB
1204 DS1204 id Electronic Key, Dallas*
1204 DS1204V id Electronic Key, PS (352 Kb) Dallas*
1204 EDE1204 motor Bi-Polar Stepper Motor Controller. Full/half stepping, free-spin mode, auto-turn mode, high speed stepping and more. DIP18 or SOIC E-Lab
1204 EDE1204 motor Stepper Motor Control IC*'s E-Lab*
1204 MAX1204 8 Channel 10bit ADC, pinout MAXIM
1205 DS1205 id MultiKey Chip, Dallas*
1205 DS1205S id MultiKey Chip, PS (399 Kb) Dallas*
1205 DS1205V id MultiKey, PS (48 Kb) Dallas*
1205 LM1205N 130MHz RGB CRT* Amp*, pinout National Semiconductor
1205 LT1205 video dual 2:1 video LT
1205 TLC1205B adc 13-bit ADC 10us TI
1206 DS1206 shift Phantom Serial Interface Chip, PS (191 Kb) Dallas*
12061 MC12061 oscillator Oscillator max. 20 GHz sine or square wave output order from Barend
12062 ADC12062 adc 12-bit ADC, 1 MSPS, 2-ch mux NS
1207 DS1207 rtc TimeKey, PS (399 Kb) Dallas*
1207 LM1207 amp XGA video preamp 85MHz NS
1208 DAC1208 12-bit multiplying, Microprocessor-compatable, Double-buffered DAC, pinout National Semiconductor
1208 DAC1208 dac 12-bit multiplying DAC, NS*
1208 LM1208 amp XGA video preamp 130MHz NS
12080 MC12080D divider Prescaler max. 1.6 GHz, /10/20/40/80 SO8 smd order from Barend
1209 DS1209 radio Wireless to 3-Wire Converter Chip, Dallas*
12090 MC12090 flipflop Dual* master/slave flipflop 750 MHz (2-divider) DIL order from Barend
12095 MC12095 divider Prescaler max. 2.7 GHz, /2 of /4 smd

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