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Click on the first letter of the electronic term you're looking for: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0..9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
H |
Hall Effect Sensors |
Hard Disk Drive |
www.kegel.com/drives/ | By Dan Kegel |
www.howstuffworks.com/hard-disk.htm | How it works |
theref.aquascape.com/ - (gone?) | TheRef about floppy/hard disk drives |
Hardware |
Where | Manufacturer |
www.daburn.com/ | Daburn Electronic |
www.johnsoncomp.com/ | Johnson Components |
www.kaynar.com/ | Kaynar |
www.keyelco.com/ | Keystone Electronics |
Hayes command set |
www.rockwell.com/ | Rockwell for example |
www.telechoice.com/ | All main players on the xDSL market |
local | More |
Heatsink |
Where | Manufacturer |
www.aavid.com/ | Aavid Thermal Tech |
www.iercdya.com/ | IERC |
www.thermalloy.com/ - (gone?) | Thermalloy |
www.wakefield.com/ | Wakefield Engineering |
www.zippertubing.com/ | Zipper Tubing |
www.t11.org/ | The T11 Technical Committee home page (Fibre Channel, HIPPI, IPI, SBCON) |
History of computing |
ISBN: 0965193403 | Buy from Amazon | about $40 |
www.bookmasters.com/llh-publishing/catalog/books/bebopbb.htm | Real book | |
hoganbooks.com/booksale/bebopbb.html | Real book |
History of electronics |
smithsonianchips.si.edu/ | Chip Collection at the Smithsonian |
www.die-wuestens.de/ | Lot of information about old electronic parts like tubes (in German) |
Home automation |
www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/1999/070899/Volume44-Issue14.asp | Issue of EDN about it |
Home built computer |
users.supernet.com/sokos/page3.htm | FAQ by Mark Sokos |
ftp.psyber.com/tcj/faqs/achh.faq | FAQ in text (old) |
www.technology.niagarac.on.ca/courses/comp630/homebrew.htm | FAQ in HTML (old) |
news:alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt | Posted every two weeks |
Click on the first letter of the electronic term you're looking for: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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