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Abbrev | Go to | See also |
adc | Analog to Digital Convertor | codec, dac |
alu | Arithmetic Logic Unit | logic |
amp | Amplifier (operational) | opamp |
anamux | Analog multiplexer | anaswitch, digiswitch, switch |
anaswitch | Analog Switch (array) | anamux, digiswitch, switch |
audio | Audio chip | adc, dac, sound, voice |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
board | Small prototype boards etc. | card |
buffer | Buffer | driver, logic |
bus | Bus | driver, ff, latch, xcvr |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
calc | Calculator | |
camera | Camera | |
can | CAN bus chip | |
card | Card that takes over function of chip | board |
chipset | Chipset | glue |
clock | Clock | rtc, timer |
cmp | Comparator | |
codec | Codec | adc, dac |
compr | Compressor | |
computer | Computer chip like keyboard or mouse chip | |
conditioner | (Signal) Conditioner | volt |
consumer | Consumer electronics chips | volt |
converter | Converter (all kinds: BCD, TTL-level, RMS, voltage) | adc, dac, power, volt |
core | Core (ASIC-embeddable) | |
counter | Counter | divider, timer |
cpu | CPU parts (bit-slice) | mcu, mpu |
crt | CRT controller | dac, video |
crypt | Crypt - Decrypt | compr, error |
crystal | Crystal | resonat |
current | Current regulator, sensor etc | power, volt |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
dac | Digital to Analog Convertor | adc, codec, video |
datacom | Datacom (telephone) | audio, adc, codec, dac, radio |
decoder | demux, mudem, mux | |
delay | Delay lines (etc.) | counter, divider, timer |
demux | Demultiplexor | mux |
digiswitch | Digitale switch | anaswitch, switch |
diode | Diode | |
display | Display | conv, demux, driver |
divider | Divider | counter, delay, timer |
dma | Direct Memory Access | |
dram | Dynamic RAM | module, sram |
driver | Driver | buffer, display, logic, xcvr |
dsp | Digital Signal Processor | |
dtmf | DTMF | codec, isdn, telecom |
dual | Dual ported SRAM | sram |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
eeprom | EEPROM | eprom, flash, prom, rom |
encdec | Encoder/decoder | codec, crypt, demux, modem, mux |
encoder | Encoder | codec, crypt, demux, encdec, modem, mux |
eprom | EPROM | eeprom, flash, prom, rom |
error | Error detection and correction | logic |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
fct | Fact | logic |
fdc | Floppy Disk Controller | hdc |
fet | Field Effect Transistor | transis |
ff | Flip-flop | latch, reg |
fifo | First-in first-out buffer | |
filter | Filter | amp |
flash | Flash | eeprom, eprom, prom, rom |
fpga | Field Programmable Gate Array | pl |
fpu | Floating Point Unit | alu, mcu, mpu |
funcgen | Function generator | gen |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
gen | Generators and synthesisers | clock, funcgen |
glue | Glue (all weird chips to connect peripherals to mpu's) | chipset, logic |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
hdc | Hard Disk Controller | fdc, scsi |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
i2c | I2C | spi, usb |
id | Identification | lock |
io | I/O port | glue, periph |
infrared | Infra Red Transmitters/Receivers | |
isdn | ISDN | codec, dtmf, telecom |
isol | Isolators (opto) |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
keyb | Keyboard Encoders |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
latch | Latch | reg |
led | LED | diode, display, driver |
lcd | LCD Drivers | display, driver |
light | Light (Photo diodes etc.) | |
lock | Lock | id |
logic | Logic | alu, buffer, driver, glue, ff, mux, pic, shift |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
mcu | Micro Controller Unit | mpu |
mem | Memory Controller | mmu |
misc | Miscellaneous | |
mixer | Mixer | |
mmu | Memory Management Unit | mem |
modem | Modem | |
modulat | Modulator | modem |
module | Module (memory, simm etc.) | dram |
motor | Motor (servo) | |
mpu | Micro Processor Unit | mcu |
mpuchk | Microprocessor check | error |
mudem | Multiplexor/demultiplexor | demux, mux |
mult | Multiplier (in time or space) | |
multivi | osc | |
mux | Multiplexer | anaswitch, demux, digiswitch, mudem, switch |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
network | Network | protoc, uart, usrt |
novram | NOVRAM | nvram, sram |
nvram | NVRAM | novram, sram |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
oneshot | osc | |
opamp | Operational Amplifier | amp |
osc | Oscillator and Multivibrators |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
pal | Programmable Array Logic | pl |
periph | Peripherals (strange or combinations) | |
pic | Peripheral Interrupt Controller | |
pl | Programmable Logic | fpga, pal |
pll | Phase Locked Loop | |
port | Port | buffer, driver, ff, latch, receive, xmit, xcvr |
power | Power | current, motor, volt |
prom | rom | |
protect | Protect (against power surges etc.) | |
protoc | Protocol (processor) | network |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
radio | Radio | audio, tv |
ram | Random Access Memory | dram, module, sram |
rcvr | Receiver | driver, receive |
receive | Receiver | driver, rcvr |
referen | current, volt | |
reg | Register | ff, latch |
regulat | current, volt | |
relay | Relay | transis (?) |
reset | Reset | clock, rtc, timer |
resist | Resistor (variable) | |
resonat | Resonator | crystal |
rom | Read Only Memory | eeprom, eprom, flash, prom |
rtc | Real Time Clock | clock, timer |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
sar | Successive Approximation Register (part of ADC) | |
scsi | SCSI | hdc |
send | infrared, sound, xcvr | |
sensor | Sensor | current, infrared, light, sound, temp, volt, xcvr |
shift | Shift Register | logic, uart, usrt |
sound | Sound | adc, audio, dac |
speech | Speech | audio, sound, voice |
spi | SPI | i2c, usb |
sram | Static RAM | dram, dual, novram, ram |
switch | Switch (analog) | anamux, anaswitch, demux, digiswitch, mudem, mux |
synth | Synthesizer | gen, pll |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
telecom | Telecom | codec, dtmf, isdn |
temp | Temperature | sensor |
timer | Timer | clock, counter, divider, rtc |
transceiver | xcvr | |
transis | Transistor | diode, fet |
transmt | infrared, radio, sound, xcvr, xmit | |
trigger | Trigger | osc |
tv | Television | audio, radio |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
uart | UART | mcu, usrt |
unknown | Unknown (not yet categorised) | |
usb | USB | i2c, network, protoc, spi, uart |
usrt | USRT | network, protoc, uart |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
vco | Voltage Controlled Oscillator | |
video | Video | adc, audio, crt, dac, shift, tv |
voice | Voice | audio, speech, More info |
volt | Voltage | current, power, vref |
vref | Voltage reference | volt |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
watchdog | bus, chipset, mpuchk |
Abbrev | Go to | See also |
xcvr | Transceiver | driver, rcvr |
xmit | Transmit | rcvr, xcvr |
www.freetradezone.com/ | Registration needed |
www.icmaster.com/ | Registration needed |
www.itis.spb.ru/win/map_eng.htm | Russian site with a lot of component overviews, large parts are in Russian |
www.questlink.com/ | Registration is needed before you can download datasheets |