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Chips in the category 'MUDEM'

nr name description manufacturer
744051 74HC4051 8-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744051 74HCT4051 8-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744052 74HC4052 dual 4-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744052 74HCT4052 dual 4-channel analog mudem Philips
744052 74HCT4052 dual 4-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744053 74HC4053 triple 2-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744053 74HCT4053 triple 2-channel analog mudem Philips
744053 74HCT4053 triple 2-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744053 74LV4053 triple 2-channel analog mux/demux DIL16 Philips
744067 74HC4067 16-channel analog mux/demux DIL24, DIL24SK Philips
744067 74HCT4067 16-channel analog mudem Philips
744067 74HCT4067 16-channel analog mux/demux DIL24 Philips
744351 74HC4351 8-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips
744351 74HCT4351 8-channel analog mudem with latch Philips
744351 74HCT4351 8-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips
744352 74HC4352 dual 4-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips
744352 74HCT4352 dual 4-channel analog mudem with latch Philips
744352 74HCT4352 dual 4-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips
744353 74HC4353 triple 2-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips
744353 74HCT4353 triple 2-channel analog mudem with latch Philips
744353 74HCT4353 triple 2-channel analog mux/demux with latch DIL20 Philips

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