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Chip numbers starting with 542

nr name cat description manufacturer
542 5B42 Isolated Process Current Input Signal Conditioning Module, data AD
542 AD542 amp High Performance, BiFET Operational Amplifiers, data AD
542 TLC542 adc,spi ADC, TLC541 with internal oscillator TI
542 ics542 ICS*
5420 logic dual 4-Input NAND* Gate NS
5421 logic dual 4-Input Positive AND* Gate NS
5421 ST5421 periph SID-GCI: S/T Interface Device, with GCI ST
54217 54ALS217 256-RAM,3-state, 64x4, pinout TI
54218 54ALS218 256-RAM,3-state, 32x8, pinout TI
54219 sram 64-Bit Random Access Memory NS
5422 logic dual 4-Input NAND* Gate (Open Collector) NS
54240 driver Octal* Buffer/Line Driver NS
54241 driver Octal* Buffer/Line Driver NS
54243 driver quad bus Transceiver NS
54244 driver Octal* Buffer/Line Driver NS
54245 driver Octal* Bidirectional Transceiver NS
54247 converter BCD to 7-Segment Decoder/Driver NS
54248 converter BCD to 7-Segment Decoder NS
54249 converter BCD to 7-Segment Decoder (Open Collector) NS
5425 logic dual 4-Input NOR* Gate NS
54251 mux 8-Input Multiplexer NS
54251 mux 8-Input Multiplexor NS
54253 mux dual 4-Input Multiplexer NS
54256 latch dual 4-Bit Addressable Latch NS
54256 prom 32k*8 CMOS* OTPROM* Toshiba
54256 TC54256AP eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
54256 TC54256P eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V Toshiba
5425632 MSM54V25632A dram 256K*32 SGRAM Oki
54257 mux quad 2-Input Multiplexer NS
54258 mux quad 2-Input Multiplexer NS
54259 latch 8-Bit Addressable Latch NS
5426 logic Qual 2-Input NAND* Buffer (Open Collector) NS
54260 dram 256k*16 DRAM Motorola
54260 logic dual 5-Input NOR* Gate NS
54266 logic quad 2-Input Exclusive/NOR* Gate (Open Collector) Output NS
5427 logic triple 3-Input NOR* Gate NS
5427 logic triple 8-Input NOR* Gate NS
54273 ff Octal* D Flip-Flop NS
54279 latch quad Set/Reset Latch NS
5428 logic quad 2-Input NOR* Buffer NS
54280 dram 256k*18 DRAM Motorola
54280 error 9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker NS
54280 MC54F280 9-bit parity generator/checker, pinout motorola
54283 logic 4-Bit Binary Full Adder NS
54289 sram 64-Bit Write Transparent Schottky Bipolar RAM AMD*
54295 shift 4-Bit Shift Register NS
54298 reg quad 2-Port Register NS
54299 shift Octal* Shift/Storage Register NS

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