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Chip numbers starting with 541

nr name cat description manufacturer
541 5B41 conditioner 5B Series Signal Conditioners, data AD
541 OPA541 amp power opamp 5A 80V BB
541 OPA541AM Amplifier, pinout Burr-Brown
541 TLC541 adc,spi ADC, 8-bit 11-channel with self-test support TI
541 ics541 ICS*
5410 logic triple 3-Input NAND* Gate NS
5410 NE5410 dac 10-bit high-speed multiplying DAC CERDIP16 Philips
5410 SE5410 dac 10-bit high-speed multiplying DAC CERDIP16 Philips
5410 XRD5410 dac 5V Low Power Voltage Output Serial 10-bit DAC Exar
5410 XRD54L10 dac Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
54100 dram 4M*1 DRAM Motorola
54100 MCM54100 dram 4M*1 DRAM Motorola
54104 MM54104 digitalker, pinout
54107 ff dual JK Flip-Flop with Clear NS
54109 ff dual JK Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop NS
5411 logic triple 3-Input AND* Gate NS
54112 ff dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop NS
54113 ff dual JK Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop NS
54114 ff dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop NS
5412 XRD5412 dac 5V Low Power Voltage Output Serial 12-bit DAC Exar
5412 XRD54L12 dac Ultra Low Power 3V Digital to Analog Converter Exar
54121 osc? Monostable Vibrator NS
54122 osc? Retriggerabie Resettable Multivibrator NS
5412222 MSM5412222 dram 262K*12 Field Memory Oki
54123 osc? dual Retriggerable Resettable Multivibrator NS
54124 mv54124a led led g-i. rect hi ef green GI
54125 buffer quad bus Buffer Gate NS
54126 buffer quad bus Buffer Gate NS
5413 logic dual 4-Input NAND* Schmitt* Trigger NS
54132 logic quad 2-Input Positive NAND* Schmitt* Trigger NS
54133 logic 13-Input NAND* Gate NS
54136 logic quad 2-Input Exclusive/OR* Gate (Open Collector) NS
54138 mux 1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexer NS
54138 MC54F138 1-0f-8 decoder/demultiplexer, pinout motorola
54139 mux dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer NS
54139 MC54F139 dual 1-of-4 decoder, pinout motorola
5414 logic hex Inverter with Schmitt* Trigger NS
54148 MC54F148 8-line to 3-line priority encoder, pinout motorola
5415 logic triple 3-Input AND* Gate (Open Collector) NS
54150 mux 16-Input Multiplexer NS
54151 mux 1-of-8 Data Select/Multiplexer NS
54151 MC54F151 8-input multiplexer, pinout motorola
54152 mux 8-Input Multiplexer NS
54153 mux dual 4-Input Multiplexer NS
54153 MC54F153 dual 4-input multiplexer, pinout motorola
54154 mux 1-of-16 Decoder/Demultiplexer NS
54155 mux dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer NS
54156 mux dual 1-of-4 Decoder/Multiplexer (Open Collector) Output NS
54157 mux quad 2-Input Multiplexer NS
54158 mux quad 2-Input Multiplexer NS
5416 counter Decade Counter with Asynchronous Clear NS
54160 counter BCD Decade Counter, Async* Reset NS
54161 counter 4-Bit Sync* Presetable Binary Counter with Async* Reset NS
541616 54LS1616 16x16bit Multiplier, pinout TI
54162 counter BCD Decade Counter, Sync* Reset NS
541620 54ALS1620 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Invert, 3-state, pinout TI
541621 54ALS1621 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Non-invert, Open-collector, pinout TI
541622 54ALS1622 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Invert, Open-collector, pinout TI
541623 54ALS1623 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Non-invert, 3-state, pinout TI
5416255 MSM54V16255A/SL dram 256K*16 DRAM FPM (3.3V) Oki
5416258 MSM5416258A dram 256K*16 DRAM Fast EDO Oki
5416258 MSM54V16258A/SL dram 256K*16 DRAM EDO (3.3V) Oki
5416273 MSM5416273 dram 256K*16 VRAM* EDO 2CAS Oki
5416283 MSM5416283 dram 256K*16 DRAM VRAM* 2WE (EDO) Oki
54163 counter 4-Bit Binary Counter, Sync* Reset NS
541638 54ALS1638 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Inverting, pinout TI
541639 54ALS1639 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Non-inverting, pinout TI
54164 shift 8-Bit Serial-ln/Parallel-Out Shift Register NS
541642 54ALS1642 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Invert, Open-collector, pinout TI
541643 54ALS1643 Octal* Bus Transceiver, Non&Invert, 3-state, pinout TI
54165 converter 8-Bit Parallel-to-Serial Converter NS
54165 converter 8-Bit Serial-to-Parallel Converter NS
54168 counter Synchronous Bidirectional BCD Decade Counter NS
54169 counter 4-Bit Sync* Bidirectional Binary Counter NS
54170 dram 256k*16 DRAM Motorola
54170 reg 4*4 Register File (Open Collector) Output NS
54173 reg 4-Bit D-Type Register NS
54174 ff hex D Flip-Flop with Master Reset NS
54174 MC54F174 hex d type flip-flop with master reset, pinout motorola
54175 ff quad D Flip-Flop with Master Reset NS
5417800 M5M417800AJ dram Fast Page Mode DRAM: 2Mx8 Mitsubishi*
54181 alu 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit NS
5418165 M5M418165CTP-6 dram DRAM $9.25 (1997) 1*16 TSOP EDO 5V Mitsubishi
54182 logic Carry Lookahead Generator NS
54189 sram 64-Bit write Transparent Schottky Bipolar RAM AMD*
54190 counter Up/Down Decade Counter NS
54190 dram 256k*18 DRAM Motorola
54191 counter Up/Down Binary Counter NS
54192 counter Up/Down Decade Counter NS
54193 counter Up/Down Binary Counter NS
54194 shift 4-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register NS
54195 shift Universal 4-Bit Shift Register NS

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