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Chip numbers starting with 39

nr name cat description manufacturer
390 DG390/A switch General Purpose CMOS* analog switch Maxim*
3900 LM3900 amp quad Norton amp
3909 LM3909 driver LED flasher NS
3911 temp Temperature Sensor NS
3914 LM3914 driver LED array driver order from Barend
3914 LM3914 driver Bargraph LED Driver , data (shtml needed) NS
3914 LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver (Linear), pinout
3914 LM3914N Bardot Generator, pinout National Semiconductor
3915 LM3915 Dot/Bar Display Driver (Logarithmic - 3dB per Segment), pinout
3916 LM3916 Dot/Bar Display Driver, pinout
3926 NT3926 video TFT display controller Novatek
3927 NT3927 video TFT display controller Novatek
393 LM393 DIP8, National order from Barend
393 LM393 cmp Low-power dual voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP8 Philips
393 LM393 cmp dual comparator, low-power NS
393 LM393A cmp Low-power dual voltage comparator DIL8, CERDIP8 Philips
393 LM393d cmp comparator dual soic pkg Motorola
394 eeprom Serial EEPROM NS
394 LM394 transis dual NPN transistor NS
395 eeprom Serial EEPROM NS
395 LM395h transis pwr trx ultra reliable t05 NS
3950 NT3950 video TFT display controller Novatek
3960 NT3960 video TFT display controller Novatek
39601 C39601 chipset System controller for i80960 Hx, TQFP-176, 3.3V, 1998 CompuLab
39602 C39602 chipset System controller for i80960 Jx, TQFP-176, 3.3V, 1998 CompuLab
398 LF398 amp Sample-and-hold amplifier DIL8, CERDIP8 Philips
398 LF398 amp sample/hold NS
399 LM399 volt temp stabilized volt ref 6.9V NS
3999 LM3999 volt volt ref 6.9V NS

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