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Chip numbers starting with 270

nr name cat description manufacturer
270 OP270 amp Dual* Very Low Noise Precision Operational Amplifier, data AD
2700 sram 256-Bit Low-Power Schottky Bipolar RAM AMD*
2700 volt Precision +10.000V Reference Catalyst
2700 AD2700 dac +10 Volt Precision Reference, 3 ppm/deg C Maxim*
2700 AD2700 volt volt ref 10V AD
2701 sram 256-Bit Low-Power Schottky Bipolar RAM AMD*
2701 volt Precision +10.000V Reference Catalyst
2701 AD2701 dac -10 Volt Precision Reference, 3 ppm/deg C Maxim*
2701 AD2701 volt volt ref -10V AD
27010 eprom 128k*8 CMOS* EPROM* NS
27010 27010 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V
27010 27010 eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Intel
27010 27010-200V05 eprom 128k*8 EPROM* 32 pin Intel
27010 27C010 128x8 EPROM*, pinout Cypress, Intel
27010 CY27C010 eprom 128k*8 CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
27010 CY27H010 eprom 128k*8 High-Speed CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
27010 HT27C010_DIPSOP32 memory OTP* CMOS* 128Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27010 HT27C010_PLCC32 memory OTP* CMOS* 128Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27010 HT27LC010_DIPSOP32 memory OTP* CMOS* 128Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27010 HT27LC010_PLCC32 memory OTP* CMOS* 128Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27010 TMS27C010-25 eprom 128k*8 EPROM* 32 pin TI
27011 eprom 8*16k*8 NMOS* EPROM* Intel
27011 27011 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V
2702 sram 64-Bit Schottky Bipolar RAM, pinout AMD*
2702 AD2702 volt volt ref +/- 10V AD
27020 27C020 eprom 256k*8 EPROM*
27020 CY27C020 eprom 256k*8 CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
27020 HT27C020_DIPSOP32 memory OTP* CMOS* 256Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27020 HT27C020_PLCC32 memory OTP* CMOS* 256Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27020 HT27LC020_DIPSOP32 memory OTP* CMOS* 256Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
27020 HT27LC020_PLCC32 memory OTP* CMOS* 256Kx8-Bit EPROM*, pinout Holtek
2703 sram 64-Bit Schottky Bipolar RAM, pinout AMD*
2703 mk2703 ICS*
27040 27C040 512kx8 CMOS* EPROM*, pinout AMD
27040 27C040 eprom 512k*8 EPROM*
27040 CY27C040 prom 512k*8 CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
2705 PMB2705-F telecom GSM One Chip Logic Device (GOLD) (SMD) Siemens
2705 PMB2705-H telecom GSM One Chip Logic Device (GOLD) (SMD) Siemens
2706 sram 64-Bit Noninverting Bipolar RAM AMD*
2706 PMB2706-F telecom? GOLD System controller (GOLD-uC) (SMD) Siemens
2707 sram 64-Bit Noninverting Bipolar RAM, pinout AMD*
2707 PMB2707-F telecom? GOLD Signal Processor (GOLD-SP) (SMD) Siemens
2708 2708 eprom 1k*8 EPROM* 450ns 3 supply pinout
27080 27L080 eprom 1024k*8 EPROM* Atmel

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