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Chip numbers starting with 229

nr name cat description manufacturer
229 DS229 xcvr RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver, PS (236 Kb) Dallas*
2290 telecom T1 Isolation Stik, Dallas*
2290 DS2290 telecom T1 Isolation Stik, Data, PS (299 Kb) Dallas*
22904 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
22905 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
22905 2n2905a transis sig trx 60v 600ma pnp t039 Motorola
22906 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
22907 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
2291 telecom T1 Long Loop Stik, Dallas*
2291 CY2291 clock Three-PLL Clock Generator, Data, replacement for the obsolete CY2028 Cypress*
2291 DS2291 telecom T1 Long Loop Stik, Data, PS (269 Kb) Dallas*
22920 transis General Purpose Transistor NS

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