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Chip numbers starting with 182

nr name cat description manufacturer
1820 DS1820 temp One-Wire digital thermometer, PS (449 Kb) Dallas*
1820 DS1820k Unknown, PS (1981 Kb) Dallas*
1821 CYM1821 module 16k*32 SRAM* Module, Data Cypress*
1821 DS1821 temp Programmable digital thermostat, PS (318 Kb) Dallas*
18213 CDP1821CD3 sram 16 CDIP -55+125 5.0V 255NS 1024X1 RAM Harris $31/1K
1822 CDP1822CD sram 22 CDIP -40+85C 5.0V 450NS 256X4 RAM Harris $14/1K
1822 CDP1822CDX sram CDP1822CD with 160 hour +125C burn-in Harris $17/1K
1822 CDP1822CE sram 22 PDIP -40+85C 5.0V 450NS 256X4 RAM Harris $3/1K
1822 CDP1822CEX sram CDP1822CE with 160 hour +125C burn-in Harris $4/1K
1822 CDP1822D sram 22 CDIP -40+85C 10.0V 250NS 256X4 RAM Harris $19/1K
1822 CDP1822E sram 22 PDIP -40+85C 10.0V 250NS 256X4 RAM Harris $5/1K
1822 CDP1822EX sram CDP1822E with 160 hour + 125C burn-in Harris $6/1K
18223 CDP1822CD3 sram 22 CDIP -55+125C 5.0V 500NS 256X4 RAM Harris $33/1K
1823 CDP1823CD sram 24 CDIP -40+85C 5.0V 450NS 128X8 RAM Harris $26/1K
1823 CDP1823CDX sram CDP1823CD with 160 hour +125C burn-in Harris $33/1K
1823 CDP1823CE sram 24 PDIP -40+85C 5.0V 450NS 128X8 RAM Harris $7/1K
1823 CDP1823D sram 24 CDIP -40+85C 10.0V 250NS 128X8 RAM Harris $37/1K
1823 CDP1823E sram 24 PDIP -40+85C 10.0V 250NS 128X8 RAM Harris $10/1K
18233 CDP1823CD3 sram 24 CDIP -55+125C 5.0V 505NS 128X8 RAM Harris $37/1K
1824 CDP1824CD sram 18 CDIP -40+85C 5.0V 710NS 32X8 RAM Harris $8/1K
1824 CDP1824CE sram 18 PDIP -40+85C 5.0V 710NS 32X8 RAM Harris $2/1K
1824 CDP1824CEX sram CDP1824CE with 160 hour +125C burn-in Harris $2/1K
1824 CDP1824D sram 18 CDIP -40+85C 10.0V 320NS 32X8 RAM Harris $11/1K
1824 CDP1824E sram 18 PDIP -40+85C 10.0V 320NS 32X8 RAM Harris $3/1K
1824 CDP1824EX sram CDP1824E with 160 hour +125C burn-in Harris $4/1K
18243 CDP1824CD3 sram 18 CDIP -55+125C 5.0V 825NS 32X8 RAM Harris $12/1K
18243 CDP1824D3 sram 18 CDIP -55+125C 10.0V 375NS 32X8 RAM Harris $18/1K
18245 LMD18245 driver, pinout NatSemi
18245 LMD18245 driver 3A H-bridge driver NS
1826 CDP1826CE sram 22 PDIP -40+85C 5.0V 1000NS 64X8 RAM Harris $3/1K
1828 CYM1828 module 32k*32 SRAM* Module, Data Cypress*
18293 LM18293 4-channel push pull driver, pinout

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