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Chip numbers starting with 18

nr name cat description manufacturer
18 DPZ1MM8NG flash Military/monolithic 1M*8 Flash, 100-150ns, LCC, 40 Pins, .550" X .75" Dense-Pac*
18 PLC18VBZ pl Zero standby power CMOS* PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
18 PLC18VBZA pl Zero standby power CMOS* PAL* device DIL20, CERDIP20 Philips
18 S-18XX mcu MCU, data Seiko
18 SMP18 Octal* Sample-and-Hold with Multiplexed Input, data AD
18 SX-18_DIL Fast PIC16C5x, pinout Scenix
18 SX-18_SSOP Microcontroller, pinout Scenix
18 SX18AC 50 MHz Microcontroller, pinout Scenix
18 SX18DP 50 MHz Microcontroller, pinout Scenix
18 SX18SO 50 MHz Microcontroller, pinout Scenix

There are too many for one page, so include the next digit:
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189

Order scarce chips via the Chipdir

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

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