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Chips in the category 'DELAY'

nr name description manufacturer
1000 DS1000 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (195 Kb) Dallas*
1000 DS1000-IND Industrial Temperature Range 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (198 Kb) Dallas*
1000 MXD1000 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line Maxim*
1000 da1000m-40 delay silicon line 5t 40ns Dallas
1003 DS1003 4-Tap Silicon Delay Line for RISC Applications, Data, PS (207 Kb) Dallas*
1004 DS1004 5-Tap High-Speed Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1005 DS1005 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1007 DS1007 7-in-1 Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (134 Kb) Dallas*
1010 DS1010 10-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1012 DS1012 2-in-1 Sub-Miniature Silicon Delay Line with Logic, Data, PS (166 Kb) Dallas*
1013 DS1013 3-in-1 Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (126 Kb) Dallas*
1013 MXD1013 3-in-1 Silicon Delay Line Maxim*
1020 DS1020 Programmable 8-Bit Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (244 Kb) Dallas*
1021 DS1021 Programmable 8-Bit Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (233 Kb) Dallas*
1023 DS1023 Programmable 8-Bit Silicon Delay Line?, Data, PS (363 Kb) Dallas*
1024 SAD1024 1024 stage, capacitor "bucket brigade" audio frequency delay chip. Discontinued, but Panasonic makes a full line of (apparently) equivalent chips in various sizes and configurations. Three that may be suitable as replacements are MN3007, MN3207, and MN3214. They are listed in the ** current ** DIGI-KEY catalog (199901..03) on page 187 at $9 to $18. The data book is listed as part number 9102B at $3.50
1033 DS1033 3-in-1 Low Voltage Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (127 Kb) Dallas*
1044 DS1044 4-in-1 High-Speed Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (117 Kb) Dallas*
1045 DS1045 4-Bit Dual* Programmable Delay Line, Data, PS (181 Kb) Dallas*
1506 CXL1506M Delay Line, CMOS-CCD 1H/2H, for PAL* (16p)
3004 MN3004 Bucket-Brigade Delay Lines (RS Data Sheet) , data (shtml needed)
3101 MN3101 Bucket-Brigade Delay Lines (RS Data Sheet) , data (shtml needed)
32 TAD32 32 stage tapped analog delay Reticon
4661 TDA4661 Baseband delay line DIL16 Philips
4662 TDA4662 Baseband line DIL16 Philips
4665 TDA4665 Baseband delay line DIL16 Philips
7431 7431 hex delay elements
745555 74HC5555 Programmable delay timer with oscillator DIL16 Philips
745555 74HCT5555 Programmable delay timer with oscillator DIL16 Philips
9500 AD9500 Digitally Programmable Delay Generator, data AD
9501 AD9501 Digitally Programmable Delay Generator, data AD

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