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Advertising in the Chipdir

Advertising information

20010429: Most media tell us that banner advertising is on the decline. This may be the case for non-focussed sites, but the Chipdir is highly focussed and it's visited by a lot of your potential clients. If you want to reach them you'll have to advertise in the media that they use. You're probably already used to advertising in the printed media like electronics magazines, but why miss out on the many potential clients that visit these pages (somewhere around 250,000 per month).

Until recently Freetradezone/Partminer bought almost all of the top-of-the-page ad space in the Chipdir, but they bought CapsXpert from IHS and became kind of a Chipdir themselves.

Anyway, this means that there is a lot of ad space available in the Chipdir again.

There is a real rate card.

local Ad agencies of high-tech firms
local Ad providers that provide ad's for the ChipDir
local Advertising in the ChipDir
local Current and past advertisers
local More secret 'inside' information
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local Technical issues about advertising here

About advertising rates on the WWW

Extract from the article 'Generating revenue through banner ads on your website' by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson:

How much revenue can your site generate? Let's crunch the numbers. Most ads are sold on a CPM (cost per thousand "page views" or "impressions") basis. A highly targeted site which appeals to physicians in private practice might command $80 CPM, while a less targeted resource might bring in $35 CPM. Advertising on sites which draw the Internet public at large might sell for $5 to $10 CPM. The average at present may be around $35 CPM.

Let's say that your site's traffic logs show 5,000 page views a week, or 20,000 per month. (Make sure you don't count raw "hits," since you can't include images in the totals.) This chart will give you an idea of potential income. Note: If you sold advertising through a media buyer, then you'd receive 15% less than these amounts to cover their commission.

Page viewsuntargetedaveragehighly targeted
20,000 $ 100/mo $ 700/mo $ 1,600/mo
100,000 500/mo 3,500/mo 8,000/mo
500,000 2,500/mo 17,500/mo 40,000/mo
1,000,000 5,000/mo 35,000/mo 80,000/mo

Note: Rates continue to fluctuate. These rates were reasonable in November 1997.

More statistics and reports etc.

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