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Chip numbers starting with 99

nr name cat description manufacturer
990 TBA990 tv 16 pins, RBG demod
9900 mpu 16-Bit MPU, Card TI*
9901 AD9901 Ultrahigh Speed Phase/Frequency Discriminator, data AD
991 TCA991 Transistor array, pinout
9918 WD9918 video CRT* controller WD
99210 HT99U210A telecom Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99210 HT99U210B telecom Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99210 HT99U210C telecom Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
9938 V9938 Video Processor, pinout Yamaha
9940 mpu 16-Bit MPU, Card TI*
99410 HT99C410_DIP40 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99410 HT99C410_SKDIP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99410 HT99C410_SOP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99410 HT99C410_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99410 HT99U410A telecom Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99410 HT99U410B telecom Enhanced Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99411 HT99C411C telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99411 HT99C411_DIP40 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99411 HT99C411_SKDIP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99411 HT99C411_SOP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99411 HT99C411_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99420 HT99C420 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99421 HT99C421 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99421 HT99C421C telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
9958 V9958 Video Processor, pinout Yamaha
9968 Am99C68 sram 4k*4 CMOS* SRAM* AMD
9968 Am99CL68 sram 4k*4 CMOS* SRAM* AMD
9980 mpu 16-Bit MPU, Card TI*
99810 HT99C810_DIP40 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99810 HT99C810_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99810 HT99D810_QFP100 telecom CID/Feature Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99811 HT99C811C telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99811 HT99C811_DIP40 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99811 HT99C811_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99820 HT99C820_SOP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99820 HT99C820_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99821 HT99C821C telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99821 HT99C821_SOP28 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek
99821 HT99C821_SSOP48 telecom Cordless Phone Controller, pinout Holtek

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