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Chip numbers starting with 222

nr name cat description manufacturer
222 modem Modem chip, Regs AMD*?
222 ADG222 t - LC, data AD
222 ADM222 driver High Speed, +5V, 0.1 µF CMOS* RS-232 Driver/Receivers, data AD
222 DS222 uart dual RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver with Shutdown, PS (297 Kb) Dallas*
222 MAX222 xcvr High-Speed, 5V-Powered, Dual* RS-232 Drivers/Receivers with Shutdown Maxim*
2220 PMB2220-S DECTTransmitter (SMD) Siemens
2221 ML2221 adc,spi ADC, 12-bit + sign single-channel ML
22218 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
22219 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
2222 2222 transistor NPN transistors Fairchild
2222 pn2222a transis sig trx 40v 800ma npn Philips
22221 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
22222 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
2223 sram EconoRAM, Dallas*
2223 DS2223 sram EconoRAM, PS (198 Kb) Dallas*
2224 sram EconoRAM, Dallas*
2224 DS2224 sram EconoRAM, Dallas*
2227 novram Flexible NOVRAM Stik, Dallas*
2227 DS2227 novram Flexible NOVRAM Stik, PS (366 Kb) Dallas*
2229 sram Word-Wide 8 Meg SRAM* Stik, Dallas*
2229 DS2229 sram Word-Wide 8 Meg SRAM* Stik, PS (321 Kb) Dallas*

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