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Chip numbers starting with 100

nr name cat description manufacturer
100 ADSST-DT-100 dsp Fixed Point DSP Digital Telephony Development Board, data AD
100 AL100 tv VGA to NTSC*/PAL* Averlogic*
100 AN-100 apnote Designing with the HI-8282 ARINC 429 Bus Interface Circuit Holt IC
100 BGB100 wireless Bluetooth radio module Philips*
100 CLC100BNC amp Linear (Video) Amplifier CLC*
100 LMF100 filter Extra stable version of MF10 dual audio filter (see MF10 for doc/applications) order from Barend
100 MAX100 adc 8-bit ADC 250SPS Maxim
100 PGA100 amp Programmable Gain Amplifier Maxim*
100 PLS100 pl Programmable logic array DIL28 Philips
100 TAD100 radio 14 pins, AM* Radio Receiver
1000 ALD1000 Precision Programmable Current/Voltage Transmitter, pinout Burr-Brown
1000 DAC1000 dac 10-bit MDAC IO* 500ns NS
1000 DS1000 delay 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (195 Kb) Dallas*
1000 DS1000-IND delay Industrial Temperature Range 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (198 Kb) Dallas*
1000 LTZ1000 volt low noise volt ref LT
1000 MXD1000 delay 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line Maxim*
1000 PSC1000 mpu - The only 32bit forth like CPU I know of is the PSC1000. PTSC*
1000 UMA1000L radio Data processor for cellular radio Philips
1000 UMA1000T i2c I2C chip Philips*
1000 UMF1000 radio Data processor for cellular radio Philips
1000 X1000 micro-processor, pinout Globotech
1000 XE1000 telecom,module MODULE, Telephone interface (DAA), BABT Approved EN41003 Comp. World-Wide 28.800 (V.34), External country configuration, +5 Volt Power Xecom*
1000 da1000m-40 delay delay silicon line 5t 40ns Dallas
10000 R10000 mpu RISC-family processor (T5), MIPS*
1001 ADC1001 adc 10-bit ADC 200us NS
1001 AML1001 video MPEG-1 audio/video decoder Amlogic*
1001 LT1001 amp Low Offset opamp Maxim*
1001 NC1001 camera 256 x 256-pixel digital camera - NeuriCam*
1001 TDA1001B radio Interference and noise suppressor for FM* rec DIL16 Philips
10010 10G010 2:1 MUXed Fanout Buffer, pinout GigaBit Logic Inc.
100101 100101 logic ECL* Triple* 5-Input OR*/NOR* Gate NS
100101 100101 logic triple 5-input OR*/NOR* gate CERDIP24 Philips
100102 100102 logic ECL* Quint* 2-Input OR*/NOR* Gate NS
100102 100102 logic Quint* 2-input OR*/NOR* with common enable CERDIP24 Philips
100104 100104 logic ECL* Quint* 2-Input AND*/NAND* Gate NS
100107 100107 logic ECL* Quint* 2-Input XOR*/NXOR* Gate NS
100107 100107 logic Quint* exclusive OR*/NOR* gate with compare CERDIP24 Philips
100109 C100109-001 system Atari: MCU (IMP) Commodore
100110 C100110-001 system Atari: DMA* (IMP) Commodore
100112 100112 logic quad double fan-out OR*/NOR* gate CERDIP24 Philips
100113 100113 driver ECL* Quad* Driver NS
100113 100113 logic quad fan-out OR*/NOR* gate CERDIP24 Philips
100114 100114 rcvr ECL* Quint* Differential Line Receiver NS
100114 100114 rcvr Quintuple differential line receiver CERDIP24 Philips
100117 100117 logic ECL* Triple* 2-Wide OR-AND/OR-AND-Invert Gate NS
100117 100117 logic triple 1-2-2 input OR*/AND-OR/NAND* CERDIP24 Philips
100117 C100117 system Atari: MC1377 RGB to PAL*/NTSC-Konverter (STFM only) Commodore
100118 100118 logic Quint* 2-4-4-4-5 input OR*/AND-OR/NAND* CERDIP24 Philips
100122 100122 buffer ECL* 9-Bit Buffer NS
100122 100122 logic 9-bit buller gate CERDIP24 Philips
100123 100123 driver hex bus driver CERDIP24 Philips
100124 driver hex TTL-ECL Translator NS
100124 100124 driver hex TTL to ECL* translator CERDIP24 Philips
100124 100124A driver hex TTL to ECL* translator CERDIP16 Philips
100125 driver hex ECL-TTL Translator NS
100125 100125 driver hex ECL* to TTL translator CERDIP24 Philips
100126 100126 driver 9-bit buffer gate CERDIP24 Philips
100126 100126 driver ECL* 9-Bit Backplane Driver NS
100131 ff triple D Flip-Flop NS
100131 100131 ff triple D-type master-slave flip-flop CERDIP24 Philips
100135 ff triple JK Flip-Flop NS
100136 shift 4-Bit Shift Register/Module 16 Counter NS
100136 100136 reg Multipurpose counting register CERDIP24 Philips
100141 shift 8-Bit Shift Register NS
100141 100141 shift 8-bit universal shift register CERDIP24 Philips
100149 100149 prom 1024-bit ECL* bipolar PROM* (256x4) CERDIP16 Philips
100149 100149A prom 1024-bit ECL* bipolar PROM* (256x4) CERDIP16 Philips
100150 latch hex D Latch NS
100150 100150 latch hex D-type latch CERDIP24 Philips
100151 ff hex D Flip-Flop NS
100151 100151 ff hex D-type master-slave flip-flop CERDIP24 Philips
100155 100155 latch quadruple 2-way multiplexer latch CERDIP24 Philips
100158 100158 shift 8-bit shift matrix CERDIP24 Philips
100160 100160 error dual 9-bit parity generator/8-bit comparator CERDIP24 Philips
100163 100163 mux dual 8-bit multiplexer CERDIP24 Philips
100164 mux 16-Input Multiplexer NS
100164 100164 mux 16-input multiplexer CERDIP24 Philips
100165 100165 mux Universal priority encoder CERDIP24 Philips
100166 cmp 9-Bit Comparator NS
100166 100166 cmp 9-bit comparator CERDIP24 Philips
100167 C100167-001 system Atari: PCB MegaST2 (Rev.B/CA200019) with Two Rom-Sockets and 4MB Ram Layout Commodore
100167 C100167-001 system Atari: PCB MegaST4 Rev.5.0 with six Two Rom-Sockets (CA200019) Commodore
100167 C100167-001 system Atari: PCB MegaST4 Rev.B with Two Rom-Sockets (CA200019) Commodore
100170 mux Unversal Demultiplexer/Decoder NS
100170 100170 demux Universal demultiplexer/decoder CERDIP24 Philips
100171 100171 triple bit 4-way multiplexer CERDIP24 Philips
100175 100175 5-bit 100K to 10K interface with latch CERDIP16 Philips
100179 100179 High speed carry look ahead generator CERDIP24 Philips
100180 100180 logic High speed 6-bit adder CERDIP24 Philips
100181 100181 alu 4-bit ALU binary/decimal CERDIP24 Philips
1002 AML1002 video Enhanced MPEG-1 audio/video decoder with karaoke Amlogic*
1002 NC1002 camera 256 x 256-pixel digital camera - NeuriCam*
100208 10020EV8-4 pl ECL* 100K PAL-type device CERDIP24 Philips
100231 100231 ff triple D-type master-slave flip-flop CERDIP24 Philips
100255 100255 converter 5-bit ECL*/TTL interface CERDIP16 Philips
1003 DS1003 delay 4-Tap Silicon Delay Line for RISC Applications, Data, PS (207 Kb) Dallas*
1004 DS1004 delay 5-Tap High-Speed Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1004 LT1004 volt volt ref 1.23V LT
100415 sram 1k*1 IMOX II ECL* Bipolar RAM AMD*
100470 sram 4k*1 IMOX ECL* Bipolar RAM AMD*
100474 sram ECL* 1k*4 IMOX Bipolar RAM AMD*
1005 logic hex invertor, pinout
1005 DS1005 delay 5-Tap Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (145 Kb) Dallas*
1005 UMA1005 gen dual low-power frequency synthesizer Philips
1007 DS1007 delay 7-in-1 Silicon Delay Line, Data, PS (134 Kb) Dallas*
1007 LT1007 LO NOISE PREC. OP AMP, pinout MAXIM
1007 LT1007 amp Low-Noise, Precision opamp Maxim*
100790 100790 xcvr 9-bit transceiver Philips
1008 LSC1008P readio,tv 14 pins, FM* demodulator
1009 LT1009 volt volt ref 2.5V LT
1009 UMA1009 i2c I2C chip Philips*
100982 100982 converter hex ECL-TTL translator with registers Philips
100984 100984 converter quad ECL-TTL translator with registers Philips
100990 100990 xcvr 9-bit transceiver Philips

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