This book was written for the electronics engineer, technician or electronics enthusiast
who has to identify a component from a part number on a schematic diagram or locate
a manufacturer from a logo.
This book is a vital tool for anyone who wants to make the process of
identifying and locating components easier and faster.
This valuable guide will help you cross reference component types to manufacturers
and also contains sections that cross reference trade names, abbreviations
and part number prefixes to the manufacturer.
Listings of worldwide manufacturing and sales office addresses are also provided
and there is also a special listing of manufacturers
who provide replacement devices and vendors who specialize
in stocking and locating discontinued devices.
Sections in the Component Identifier and Source Book include:
Logos for manufacturer identification
Cross references of abbreviated manufacturer names to the proper manufacturer name
Component prefixes and part number types for identifying parts
from schematics and parts listings.
Cross references to new manufacturers from mergers and acquisitions
Comprehensive guide to current published pricing of major manufacturers.
Data-Tek encompasses: Integrated Circuits, Transistors and Diodes.
Publish Semiconductor Pricing of Major Manufacturers.
Data-Tek also has it own software.
Encyclopedea of Electronic Circuits (5 volumes)
Basically the books are collections of circuits pulled from various sources
and broken down into categories (timers, transmitters, converters, etc.).
I have looked at them in the bookstore in the past for ideas and for that
purpose they seem nice. They do not (nor are they intended to) teach
anything about electronics, but are more for ideas/examples. They are
fairly expensive, but I have the opportunity to purchase Volumes 1-4 for
$120 new.
I don't think they're very useful; certainly not worth the price.
For circuit examples, the various semi makers' databooks can't be beat,
especially National Semiconductor's and Linear Technology's Linear
Applications Handbooks.
Like the other folks, I agree that they're not *frequently* useful, but
they've done me some good at least once or twice a year.
Yeah, they're not much on depth and they use some seriously out-of-date or oddball
parts on occasion, but most of it is adaptable to current parts.
They're OK if you don't have the vaguest idea on how to do something and are looking
for clues, but I don't think I've EVER used any of the designs verbatim.
If you're a rich infomaniac, go ahead and get 'em, but don't expect much.
They're certainly not worth the expense, except in rare cases.
Stan Eker
Howard W. Sams Internet Guide to the Electronic Industry
The complete guide to IC* and module replacements and substitutions.
Covers more than 35,000 IC* replacements
compiled from manufacturers' data in an easy-to-use cross reference.
Most comprehensive guide to semiconductor replacement
data including 500,000 part numbers crossed to ECG,
NTE, Radio Shack and SK replacement part numbers.