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Chip numbers starting with 84

nr name cat description manufacturer
84 HT84XXX consumer Magic VoiceTM, pinout Holtek
84 HTVDS84 consumer Magic Voice with Macro Instruction, pinout Holtek

There are too many for one page, so include the next digit:
840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849

Order scarce chips via the Chipdir

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

For more data about the above WWW sites and for more information sites. Do a search at 20+ distributors at once! Do a search for scarce chips at many brokers at once!

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