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Chip numbers starting with 7410

nr name cat description manufacturer
7410 74ALS10 logic triple 3-input NAND* gate DIL14, pinout, pinout Philips
7410 74F10 logic triple 3-input NAND* gate DIL14, pinout, pinout Philips
7410 74HC10 logic triple 3-input NAND* gate DIL14, pinout, pinout Philips
7410 74HCT10 logic triple 3-input NAND* gate DIL14, pinout, pinout Philips
74100 74100 latch dual 4-bit latch
741000 741000 logic quad 2 NAND*, pinout TI
741002 741002 logic quad 2 NOR* TI
741003 741003 logic quad 2 NAND* OC* TI
741004 741004 logic hex inverter, pinout TI
741005 741005 logic hex inverter OC*, pinout TI
741008 741008 logic quad 2 AND* TI
74101 74101 ff JK FF
741010 741010 logic triple 3 NAND* TI
741011 741011 logic triple 3 AND* TI
74102 74102 ff JK FF
741020 741020 logic dual 4 NAND* TI
74103 74103 ff dual JK flip-flop with clear
741032 741032 ~ pinout
741032 74ALS1032 logic quad 2 OR* TI
741034 74ALS1034 buffer hex buffer TI
741035 74ALS1035 buffer hex buffer OC* TI
74104 74104 ff JK FF
74105 74105 ff JK FF
74106 74106 ff dual JK flip-flop NET, P&C
74107 74107 Dual* J-K Flip-Flop, pinout Texas Instruments
74107 74HC107 ff dual JK negative edge triggered flip-flop with reset, DIL14, pinout Philips
74107 74HCT107 ff dual JK negative edge triggered flip-flop with reset, DIL14, pinout Philips
74108 74108 ff dual JK flip-flop NET, P&C
74109 74109 ff dual JK flip-flop pinout NET, P&C
74109 74AC109 mixer Sine/square wave converter for 74FST3125 (see mixers) order from Barend
74109 74ALS109 ff dual JK positive-edge triggered flip-flop with set and reset, DIL16 Philips
74109 74F109 ff dual JK positive-edge triggered flip-flop with set and reset, DIL16 Philips
74109 74HC109 ff dual JK positive-edge triggered flip-flop with set and reset, DIL16 Philips
74109 74HCT109 ff dual JK positive-edge triggered flip-flop with set and reset, DIL16 Philips
74109 74LVC109 ff dual JK positive-edge triggered flip-flop with set and reset, DIL16 Philips

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