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Chip numbers starting with 291

nr name cat description manufacturer
291 ADR291 vref Low Noise, Micropower 2.5v Reference, data AD
291 MAX291 8th order,lowpass filter, switched capacitor, pinout maxim
291 OP291 amp Micropower Single-Supply Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Op Amps, data AD
2910 Am2910 cpu microprogram sequencer AMD
29101 29101BYA JAN 65162 LCC pkg MIL-M-38510/291 Harris <$1/1K
29102 29102BJA JAN 6516 DIP pkg MIL-M-38510/291 Harris $122/1K
291024 AT29C1024 flash 64K x 16 70-200 ns 1-Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
291024 AT29LV1024 flash 64K x 16 150-250 ns 1-Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29103 29103BRA JAN 65262 DIP pkg MIL-M-38510/291 Harris $77/1K
29103 29103BXA JAN 65262 LCC pkg MIL-M385-38510/291 Harris <$1/1K
29104 29104BJA JAN 65162 DIP PKG Harris $89/1K
29109 29109BRA JAN 65262B DIP pkg MIL-M-38510/291 Harris $104/1K
2911 Am2911 cpu microprogram controller AMD $0.50
29110 29110BJA JAN 65162B CDIP PKG Harris $120/1K
29112 Am29112 cpu High-Performance and Bit Slice Microprogram Sequencer AMD
29116 Am29116A mpu High-Performance 16-Bit Bipolar Microprocessor AMD
29116 Am29L116A mpu High-Performance 16-Bit Bipolar Microprocessor AMD
29117 Am29117 mpu High-Performance 16-Bit Bipolar Microprocessor AMD
29118 Am29118 periph Eight-Bit Am29116 I/O Support AMD
2914 2914 memory, pinout *
29141 AM29PL141 misc Fuse Programmable controller (FPC). AMD
2916000 29N16000T flash 16Mbit NAND* FPROM 15us/80ns Samsung
2917 S2917 eeprom, pinout Seiko
2918 Am2918 ff 4 bit register AMD
2919 Am2919 ff dual 4 bit register AMD

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