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Chip numbers starting with 216

nr name cat description manufacturer
216 ESP216 scsi SCSI-2 controller QLogic
216 MAX216 xcvr Low-Power AppleTalkTM Interface Transceiver Maxim*
2160 PSB2160-N codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI*) (SMD) Siemens
2160 PSB2160-P codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI*) Siemens
2160 SSM2160 6-Channel, Clickless Serial Input Balance/Master Volume Control, data AD
2161 SSM2161 4-Channel, Clickless Serial Input Balance/Master Volume Control, data AD
2161 SSM2161S 4 Channel digital volume control SMT order from Barend
21613 transis General Purpose Transistor NS
2162 DS2162 Unknown, PS (626 Kb) Dallas*
2163 PSB2163-N codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI-SP) (SMD) Siemens
2163 PSB2163-P codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI-SP) Siemens
2163 PSB2163-T codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI-SP) (SMD) Siemens
2163 SSM2163 Digitally Controlled 8 x 2 Audio Mixer, data AD
2164 DS2164Q telecom G.726 ADPCM* Processor, PS (449 Kb) Dallas*
2164 SSM2164 amp Low Cost Quad* Voltage Controlled Amplifier, data AD
2165 DS2165 telecom 16/24/32 Kbps ADPCM* Processor, PS (494 Kb) Dallas*
2165 DS2165Q telecom 16/24/32Kbps ADPCM* Processor, Dallas*
2165 PSB2165-N codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI-SP) (SMD) Siemens
2165 PSB2165-P codec Audio Ringing Codec* Filter (ARCOFI-SP) Siemens
2165 SSM2165 amp Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression & Noise Gating, data AD
2166 SSM2166 amp Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression & Noise Gating, data AD
2167 sram 16k*1 high speed CMOS* SRAM* AMD*, TI
2167 2167 sram 16k*1 SRAM* 55ns
2167 DS2167 telecom ADPCM* Processor, PS (391 Kb) Dallas*
2168 sram 4k*4 high speed CMOS* SRAM* TI
2168 DS2168 telecom ADPCM* Processor, PS (391 Kb) Dallas*

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