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Chips in the category 'RAM'

nr name description manufacturer
27264 64k*72 PowerPC Cache Module, (Is this a chip?) Motorola*
4720 HEF4720B 256-bit, 1-bit per word RAM DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
4720 HEF4720V 256-bit, 1-bit per word RAM DIL16, CERDIP16 Philips
7025 QS7025A High Speed CMOS* Asynchronous Dual* Port RAM 8K x 16 QS
7026 QS7026A High Speed CMOS* Asynchronous Dual* Port RAM 16K x 16 QS
70261 QS70261A High Speed CMOS* Asynchronous Dual* Port RAM 16K x 16 QS
70581 QS70581 High Speed CMOS* Asynchronous Dual* Port RAM 8K x 18 QS
70681 QS70681 High Speed CMOS* Asynchronous Dual* Port RAM 16K x 18 QS
71342 idt71342-l70j static dual port ram 4k IDT
74219 N74F219A 64-bit TTL bipolar RAM (16x4) DIL16 Philips
74410 N74F410 64-bit TTL bipolar RAM (16x4) DIL18 Philips
75436 QS75436 High Speed CMOS* Block-Allocated Shared Port RAM with Flexi-BurstTM 4K x 36 QS
75836 QS75836 High Speed CMOS* Block-Allocated Shared Port RAM with Flexi-BurstTM 8K x 36 QS

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