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Chip numbers starting with 832

nr name cat description manufacturer
832 AL-CSBF832TS dram DRAM $118.00 (1997) 8x32-60 FPM TIN Panasonic
8320 AD8320 Digitally controlled variable gain amplifier optimized for coaxial line driving applications, data AD
8320 Z8320 periph Low power parallel I/O* controller Zilog*
8321 video CRT* video attributes controller =9021 UMC
8321 AD8321 Gain Programmable CATV Line Driver, data AD
8322 H8/322 mcu 8-Bit MCU Hitachi*
8326 fdc Floppy disk data separator (=9216) UMC
83267 P83CL267 mcu 8-bit CMOS* MCU, OSDNST DIL64SHR Philips
83268 P83CL268 mcu 8-bit CMOS* MCU, OSDNST DIL64SHR Philips
8329 fdc Floppy disk interface circuit (=9229) UMC

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