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Chip numbers starting with 824

nr name cat description manufacturer
824 AD824 amp Single Supply, Rail-to-Rail Low Power, FET-Input Op Amp*, data AD
824 U824 divider 4-divider 2.3 GHz in TO50 (X-case) very scarce order from Barend
82400 HT-82400 speech PCM* Speech Synthesizer, 1.5 second Holtek*
82404 82C404 ICS*
8243 periph I/O* expander Intel, NEC
8243 8243 periph pinout
8243 MSM82C43 Oki
8243 i8243 periph 8048 port expander Intel $0.50
8244 8244 video Video Display Controller, only known use was (Exclusive contract) Magnavox Odyssey 2 Game Console (1978-1983). Non-US equivalent: Phillips Videopac G7000 system Intel
82450 chipset PCI chip set, More Intel*
82450 chipset Pentium Pro Orion chipset, Flaw Intel*
82450 uart Asynchronous communication element (UART) UMC, WD
82450 82c450 video VGA controller 1M VRAM* A '453 with VRAM* C&T, now Intel
82451 82c451 video VGA controller 256k DRAM max 800*600 16col C&T, now Intel
82452 82c452 video VGA controller 1M DRAM max 640*480 256col, 1024*768 16 col C&T, now Intel
82453 82c453 video VGA controller 1M DRAM max 800*600 256 col C&T, now Intel
82455 82c455 video VGA controller 256k DRAM Flat Panel version C&T, now Intel
82456 82c456 video VGA controller 256k DRAM C&T, now Intel
82457 82c457 video video card controller Full color. C&T, now Intel
8248 DAC8248 dac Dual* 12-Bit (8-Bit Byte) Double-Buffered CMOS* D/A Converter, data AD

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