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Chip numbers starting with 272

nr name cat description manufacturer
272 L272 Dual* power op-amp, pinout SGS Thompson
272 L272D Dual* power op-amp, pinout SGS Thompson
272 L272M Dual* power op-amp, pinout SGS Thompson
272 TLC272 opamp =TS272 LINCMOS OpAmp* dual, DIP or smd order from Barend
272 TLC272CP amp cmos si-gate hi hias dual 271 opamp TI
272 TLC27l2cp amp lin-cmos l/bias dual 271 opamp TI
2720 prom 256*4 Bit Generic Series Bipolar PROM* AMD*
2720 PMB2720-F telecom DECT digital Circuit MS (SMD) Siemens
2720 mk2720 ICS*
272001 272001 eprom 256k*8 EPROM*, pinout
27201 27C201 eprom 256k*8 EPROM* 32 pin
272048 27C2048 eprom 128k*16 EPROM*
2721 prom 256*4 Bit Generic Series Bipalar PROM* AMD*
27210 eprom 64k*16 EPROM* Catalyst
27210 TMS27C210 eprom 64k*16 CMOS* EPROM*, 40pin TI
2722 mk2722 ICS*
27232 sram 32k*72 PowerPC Cache Module, (Is this a chip?) Motorola*
27240 27C240 eprom 256k*16 EPROM* NS
2725 prom 512*8 Generic Series Bipolar IMOX AMD*
2725 PMB2725-F telecom DECT digital Circuit FS (SMD) Siemens
27256 eprom 32k*8 EPROM*, pinout many
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V Fujitsu, Hitachi, Intel, Mitsubishi
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V Intel
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V Mitsubishi
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=13.0V, Vcc*=6.0V AMD
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V
27256 27256 eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Oki
27256 27256 eprom 32k*8 EPROM* 250ns pinout
27256 27256A eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V
27256 27256A eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Oki
27256 27256AC eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27256AD eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27256AD eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
27256 27256ADI eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Toshiba
27256 27256C eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27256D eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27256D eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V Toshiba
27256 27C256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V Hitachi, Seeq, TI, VTI
27256 27C256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V Fujitsu
27256 27C256 eprom EPROM* interactive algorithm Vpp*=13.0V, Vcc*=6.0V NS
27256 27C256 eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Intel, Oki
27256 27C256 eprom Eprom 32K x 8 order from Barend
27256 27C256A eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Oki
27256 27C256B eprom EPROM* interactive algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V NS
27256 27C256C eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27C256D eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V NEC
27256 27PC256 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=12.5V, Vcc*=6.0V TI
27256 CY27C256 eprom 32k*8-Bit CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
27256 CY27H256 eprom 32k*8 High-Speed CMOS* EPROM*, Data Cypress*
27256 M27C256B-25 eprom 32k*8 EPROM* 250ns ST
27256 P27256 eprom EPROM* quick-pulse algorithm Vpp*=12.75V, Vcc*=6.25V Intel
27256 m27c256b-12fi eprom eprom 32k*8 cmos ST
27256 tms27pc256-2nl prom prom o.t.p. 256k 200ns TI
27264 ram 64k*72 PowerPC Cache Module, (Is this a chip?) Motorola*
2727 prom 512*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar Registered PROM* AMD*
2727 MK2727 clock,vcxo lowest cost integrated VCXO with 13.5 MHz input and single 27 MHz output. 8 pin SOIC MicroClock*
2727 PMB2727-F telecom DECT Multichannel Burst Mode controller (SMD) Siemens
2727 mk2727 ICS*
2728 prom 512*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar PROM* AMD*
2728 PMB2728 telecom DECT PBX (SMD) Siemens
27280 prom 1k*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar IMOX PROM* AMD*
27281 prom 1k*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar IMOX PROM* AMD*
2729 prom 512*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar PROM* AMD*
27290 prom 2k*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar IMOX PROM* AMD*
27291 prom 2k*8 Bit Generic Series Bipolar IMOX PROM* AMD*
27292 tms27c292-3jl eprom eprom 2k*8 cmos 35ns 5% vcc TI
27292 tms27c292-45jl eprom eprom 2k*8 cmos 45ns 10% vcc n TI

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Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

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