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Chip numbers starting with 225

nr name cat description manufacturer
2250 mcu 128K Soft Micro Stik MCU, Dallas*
2250 DS2250 mcu MCU (=8051+) 128*8 RAM, 32K*8 ROM, 32K*8 XRAM, As 5000, but smarter package, SIM40 Dallas
2250 DS2250 mcu Soft Microcontroller, PS (492 Kb) Dallas*
2250 DS2250T mcu Soft Microcontroller, Dallas*
2251 mcu 128K Soft Micro Stik MCU, Dallas*
2251 DS2251T mcu 128K Soft Microcontroller, PS (?) (1033 Kb) Dallas*
2252 mcu Secure Micro Stik MCU, Dallas*
2252 DS2252T mcu Secure Microcontroller, PS (?) (369 Kb) Dallas*
2254 CY2254 clock Pentium Processor Compatible Clock Synthesizer/Driver, Data Cypress*
2254 PEB2254-H Frame And Line Interface Component (FALC-54) (SM D) Siemens
2255 CY2255 clock Pentium Processor Compatible Clock Synthesizer/Driver for OPTi Viper Chipset, Data Cypress*
22554 PEB22554HT telecom QuadFALC, a four-port version of its successful FALC-LH Framer and Line Interface Component (FALC). Siemens*
2257 sram 32k*8 3V Operation SRAM*, Dallas*
2257 CY2257 clock Pentium Processor Compatible Clock Synthesizer/Driver for ALI Aladdin Chipset, Data Cypress*
2257 DS22B57 sram 32k*8 SRAM*, PS (281 Kb) Dallas*

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Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

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