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Chip numbers starting with 809

nr name cat description manufacturer
809 8T09 buffer 4 bit buffer 3S Signetics
809 ADM809 system uProcessor Supervisory Circuit in 3-Pin, SOT-23, Active Low Reset Signal, data AD
8090 Z8090 periph Universal peripheral controller for Z800x-family Zilog
8094 Z8094 periph Universal peripheral controller for Z800x-family, External RAM based Zilog
8095 DM8095 buffer 6 bit buffer 3S (74365) 32ma 22ns NS
8095 i8095 mcu 16-bit MCU runner up to the 80196 Intel*
8095 i8095 mcu MCU 232 RAM 10 bit 4 ch A/D Intel
8096 i8096 mcu 16-bit MCU runner up to the 80196 Intel*
8096 i8096 mcu MCU 232 RAM Intel
80960 mcu Tools, Family Intel
80960 mpu RISC-processor,,, Family Intel
8097 i8097 mcu 16-bit MCU runner up to the 80196 Intel*
8097 i8097 mcu MCU 232 RAM 10 bit 8 ch A/D Intel
8098 DM8098 logic 2+4 bit inverter 3S (74368) 32ma 17ns NS
8098 i8098 mcu 16-bit MCU runner up to the 80196 Intel*

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