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Chip numbers starting with 297

nr name cat description manufacturer
297 L297 driver Stepper motor controller ST
297 MAX297 same, 1.5 transition ratio, 0.1-50kHz, 50:1 clock order from Barend
297 MAX297 8th order,lowpass filter, switched capacitor,eliptic, pinout maxim
297 OP297 amp Dual* Low Bias Current Precision Operational Amplifier, data AD
2970 Am2970 mem Dynamic Memory Timing controller AMD
29705A sram 16-Word by 4-Bit 2-Port RAM AMD*
29707 sram 16-Word by 4-Bit 2-Port RAM AMD*
29726 driver Trans Differential Pair NS
29727 amp Differential Preamplifier NS

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