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Chips in the category 'PROTOC'

nr name description manufacturer
1553 COM1553 MIL_STD-1553 (Manchester) Interface controller SMC
6854 MC6854 Advanced Data Link controller Motorola
68605 MC68605 X.25 Protocol controller - two 22 byte FIFOs, DMA*, HDLC Motorola*
7201 Multiprotocol serial controller NEC, Intel:8274
7210 COM7210 Intelligent interface controller for GPIB (IEEE-488-1978) SMC, NEC?
8273 Programmable HDLC/SDLC protocol controller Intel
8274 Multiprotocol serial controller (=7201) NEC, Intel
9004 COM9004 IBM 3274 compatible receiver/transmitter SMC

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