We are specialized in 1N4148 Diode StudLead TAB Forming Machine maker in Taiwan,
with Automatic production design, our machine production 350pcs/min and low cost building,
we are looking for 1N4148 DIODE manufacturer or StudLead Subcontractor to contact.
Special Automatic design also welcome!
Dice Technology is a new company that provides custom made devices based on III-V materials.
Our production concerns a wide range of microelectronic and optoelectronic chips such as diodes, transistors, lasers, photodiodes...
We also provide single technological steps such as metal deposition, wet and dry etching, lithography (UV, DUV, e-beam).
Sussex manfactures glass passivated zener, transient suppressor, and
rectifier die. These die come in the regular die form, surface mountable
flip-die and dual die, cells, axial leaded devices, low and ultra low
capacitance packages, 1.5KE, 5KP, 15KP, 20KP devices, 6KA SAD devices, power
rectifiers, power zeners, 25-35 amp bridges, D04, D05, T03 packages. Sussex
manufactures diodes with industry standard specifications as well as custom
See also
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