After clicking the
link below,
you'll be transfered to the
Chipdir's Message Board which is provided for free by 'Inside The Web'.
It's a kind of classified ad's message board as often found in
Everyone can put up his message for everyone else to read.
Although this mechanism works great and the number of messages
on the board per day is quite impressive by now,
the chance of getting an answer on a question seems to be quite small.
I'm personally not reading the messages regurarly, so...
There may be better ways to get an answer for your question or problem:
You can also email me when your question is non-standard but please
first read the feedback page first for
additional tips and answers to standard questions. I read every email
I get and normally answer every email, but standard questions get
standard answers (and this usually only after a couple of days...).
Well, having said all this, here is the link to the message board:
But don't get your hopes up too high! (Don't sit still waiting for
an answer but also try other ways in the mean time.