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Intel 80C187 Replacement

Date:    20020326
To:      Jaap van Ganswijk
Subject: Intel 80C187 Replacement

Since 1999 we provide our customers with a replacement circuit for Intel's 80C187 processor taken off the market four years ago ­ 100% pin and software compatible.

Far more than 10,000 pieces are in use worldwide. During the last months we registered an increasing demand. Obviously the last reserves for this chip are now running short and many companies missed to develop new hardware in time. Or the guarantee of delivery and service, common period is 10 years in industry, forces stocking of the old assemblies.

To enable you to help your customers in need of replacement for the 80C187 we would like to inform you in short about our product. Furthermore we are interested in partners for distribution.

We offer:

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Or just call us
FREECAL +800-2gesytec (this may be in Germany, Jaap)

We are looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully
Gesytec Sales
Pascalstr. 6,
D-52076 Aachen

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