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Chips in the category 'ID'

nr name description manufacturer
1201 DS1201 Electronic Tag, PS (224 Kb) Dallas*
1204 DS1204 Electronic Key, Dallas*
1204 DS1204V Electronic Key, PS (352 Kb) Dallas*
1205 DS1205 MultiKey Chip, Dallas*
1205 DS1205S MultiKey Chip, PS (399 Kb) Dallas*
1205 DS1205V MultiKey, PS (48 Kb) Dallas*
2400 Silicon Serial Number, Dallas*
2401 DS2401 Silicon Serial Number, PS (210 Kb) Dallas*
2434 DS2434 Battery Identification Chip, Data, PS (344 Kb) Dallas*
2435 DS2435 Battery ID Chip with Time/Temperature Histogram, Data, PS (409 Kb) Dallas*

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