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Chips in the category 'CRYPT'

nr name description manufacturer
210 VMS210 high speed cryptographic system (ARM6), Family ARM
6859 MC6859 DES chip Motorola
6868 VMO6868 AT&T IVESs Encryption Engine (ARM6), Family ARM
77 MYK-77 (Clipper) Cryptographic processor (ARM6), Family ARM
78 MYK-78E (Clipper) Cryptographic processor (ARM6), Family ARM
78 MYK-78T (Clipper) Cryptographic processor (ARM6), Family ARM
7960 Am7960 Coded Data Transceiver AMD
80 MYK-80 (Capstone) Cryptographic processor (ARM6), Family ARM
8068 Z8068 Data ciphering processor for Z800x-family Zilog, AMD
8294 i8294 Data encryption unit Intel
9518 Am9518 Data ciphering processor AMD?

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