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Date:         19960226
From:         John R Levine <>
Organization: Compilers Central
Subject:      The compilers web page, at last
To:           Multiple recipients of list COMPIL-L <>

I have finally put up a little web page that retrieves back articles from the on-line comp.compilers archives. The page is at

Each article has its own URL of the format

where YY-MM-NNN is the article number as used in the Message-ID.

There is a WAIS indexed archive in Singapore, maintained by Derek Kiong. You can find it at

Incidentally, I made the web page here while fixing a few long-standing bugs in the mail server, so that retrieving articles by e-mail now works again. To use the server, send a message containing "help" to

John Levine, comp.compilers moderator, - another compilers site

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